Warm regards to my friends at STEEMIT
Jesus speaks to his people in Matthew 5: 13 and tells them "you are the salt of the earth". This means that when being born again, the human being already has the capacity or the quality to season, to put the necessary ingredient in the exact portion to the things of life. The disciple will not become, but he is already salt of the earth.
The word that was translated here as "salt", comes from the Greek jàlas that of course is translated salt (the seasoning), but it also has a figurative meaning that translates as prudence. Prudence is understood as caution, moderation, balance and balance. It also means good sense, good judgment.
Two of the qualities of the Salt that Jesus had in mind were:
- Its power of conservation and
- The quality of flavor and seasoning.
Jesus asks us to preserve and keep the truths of the gospel and apply those truths to the exact extent to give the true meaning and the best flavor to the things that happen to us in life.