Steemchurch: The Truth is not Negotiable. (Part I)

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

Blessings brothers and sisters of @steemchurch

Proverbs 23:23
Buy the truth, and do not sell it; Wisdom, teaching and intelligence.

A few years ago, the owner of a chain of bookstores in England consecrated his Heart to Christ. This change, generated a huge joy but also led him to make decisions in your life. That was how he resolved one day, to refuse to sell the books of a well-known character, aimed at children and adolescents, whose theme included strong ingredients of occultism and witchcraft. His decision was going to cost him an approximate loss of a million dollars, but he, with his firm attitude, decided to hold on to this principle: The truth is not negotiable.


The lie is one of the most entrenched evils in society. People have been accustomed to lying, and the truth for many has become a relative value. The problem is that the lie simply does not come from God. Moreover, if Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, then ¿what place can we give to the lie in our words?

Jesus made explicit the origin of the lie:

John 8:44
"(...) the devil has not remained in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own; because he is a liar and the father of lies "

Basically, the purpose of lying is to deceive another. It can be an easy resource to get out of step, or a premeditated trick to cheat.

¿Why are you lying?

1) There are those who lie to pretend to be what they are not.

It usually arises to pretend to be better than we are, or to have more of what we have.

Exaggeration and pretense are forms of lies.

Hypocrisy has to do with this: With showing everyone a facade that does not reflect our reality. Or walk with a mask that hides our true condition. Jesus spoke of hypocrisy in the religious environment, those who appear to be merciful, but their hearts are not right. (Example, the Pharisees).


To walk a life in the truth, is to walk in the light, without pretending or hiding. Why God know our true condition Being whole, means being "whole", of one piece, the same everywhere (church, work, family), even when they see us and also when nobody sees us

We must show ourselves as we are, honest people who love God and can also recognize our weaknesses. People who are not perfect, but we have a serious commitment to live the Word of God.

Hardly trying to live pretending will lead us to enjoy the way we long to do it. In these cases, it is necessary to reflect deeply on what are the issues that lead us to lie or exaggerate and simply pray and analyze how to begin the process of progress.

Appearing is the opposite of transparency. And it is a pity that a Christian, who can achieve miraculous goals, loses his time acting in a hypocritical way.

In Proverbs 21:29 there is a very interesting reflection: "The wicked person seems certain, the honest is sure of his conduct"

When you live sincerely, enjoying what you have and preparing for what you plan to live, work and persevere towards what God has before you. But although no one perceives it, the Holy Spirit knows each heart deeply.

2) Other people lie to avoid punishment or discipline.

Many people lie to avoid a just punishment or discipline, for not wanting to take responsibility for their actions. Cain told God that he knew nothing of his brother Abel, to hide his sin (he had murdered him). Just to give a biblical example.

A virtue of a good Christian is to take responsibility for his actions. To be able to say "I was me", "I was wrong", "I have sinned". Accept the consequences and try, when possible, to repair the damage.


This generates distrust in those who realize our attitude.

The Holy Spirit that dwells in our hearts has no fear (2 Timothy 1: 7 "Because God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power, love and self-control"). Therefore, the fear is not of God, the lie, either. Consequently, lying because of fear: it is sin. Even if you feel like a victim, you really have to look for another position and confront what frightens you with the help of God and our guides and pastors.

Philippians 4: 6 "Do not grieve for anything, but present it to God in prayer and ask Him and give thanks also"

Therefore, let's not fall into the networks of lies to pretend to be someone we are not truly. Or in fear of telling the truth to avoid being disciplined. Encourage us to face each situation with courage, wisdom and integrity. Undoubtedly, this attitude will lead us to live in a manner consistent with the counsels of God. Remember always: The Truth is not Negotiated.


The more we are striving to be like Him, the more He releases His grace upon our lives.
He is a truthful God and whatever He says He will do, that is what He will do.
He has given us His Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of truth that always tell us the mind of God.
His word is the real truth

Run as you may! You cannot escape...the Almighty Bunghole!

Your mind should be directed towards the right part by doing his will and what he commanded
Direct your self towards the part of his heart.
The things which you think you have list will actually be recovered by His mercies.
His deaths has given us grace and salvation .
Nothing else is suppose to cross our minds as should be ready to forgive those who have sinned us because that's the stand in his paths to make heaven.
His is love and he is everything we need as his people to inherit his enternal kingdom and glory at the last day for only those who trust in him.
Committing our selves onto the lord is very important because for everybody who has given his or her life to him would always be controlled by his will and powers .
God created us and put a unique thing in our life.
He has plan for us wheather in a good or bad situation .
He made a real time design for us all .
His blessings are only for those who truely believe in him and do his will and that are the people who he will always have reserve for .
For the great thing he made is always perfect and fits we all that trust in him

We must be aware of everything we do and say, how can God protect us if we lie? and even more if a great leader or brother is lying to take advantage of something or someone ?. We must reflect, it is better to tell the truth of who we are so that it is God who is glorified in our weaknesses, God bless you thanks for sharing.

God the Father is "the God of truth" (Psalm 31: 5, Isa 65:16, and from here on). Jesus Christ is "full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). In fact, He is "the truth" (14: 6). The Holy Spirit is "the Spirit of truth" (14:17, 15:26, 16:13). Paul calls the Scriptures "the word of truth" (2 Tim 2:15). Jesus prayed: "Your word is truth" (John 17:17). Everything about God is the truth. God always says things as they are.

yes i absoultly thanks for sharing this posts!

very nice post we all should follow these words and always follow the truth

Many times some lie to pretend something they are not, to avoid rejection by others, some to avoid punishment, some lie to disqualify others, and it is sad to see this, because there is no love when there is falsehood, then God is not in the middle.

Basically, the purpose of lying is to deceive another. It can be an easy resource to get out of step, or a premeditated trick to cheat.

Some people tell lies for their on selfish reasons, telling lie ain't always the right thing to do, that's why we have to say the truth always, because only the truth can set our soul free.

Amen brother @paskoloo, a person of sincere faith will be true to the truth at whatever cost.

If we keep saying the truth, there's nothing to hide.
God has given us His Holy Spirit to be helping us to always say the truth and to always convince us whenever we go contrary to the truth.

When we walk of heart in the word of God the lie is not an option for us, the truth is the only alternative, we must be faithful to God.

Brilliant word, to reflect. There are circumstances in which by not hurting others or oneself, we are feeling the loss of reality. In these cases, lying can maintain a strategic distance from more prominent disasters. This does not imply that the analyst guards the lie: "The perfect is to be straightforward and acknowledge the results that reality carries with it.

Lying destroys a whole reputation of integrity, because then if they find out the truth they find it hard to believe in you, the truth is always the best decision!!

You cant fight against Truth, truth fights for you!

Amen. At any time the truth always comes out and more if we are hand in hand with Christ, which is truth and life.

Thanks for sharing this with us, I loved your concluding part "Therefore, let's not fall into the networks of lies to pretend to be someone we are not truly. Or in fear of telling the truth to avoid being disciplined. Encourage us to face each situation with courage, wisdom and integrity. Undoubtedly, this attitude will lead us to live in a manner consistent with the counsels of God. Remember always: The Truth is not Negotiated."

Equity secures the ideal in transit, however irreverence annoys the miscreant. "Numerous individuals regularly experience physical outcomes as ailments or various issues in their lives and don't comprehend the motivation behind why they go along that way being Christian, the Word of God He says that HE is a shield to the individuals who walk honestly. He likewise says that there are ways that man appears to be great yet his end is passing.
The things which you think you have list will actually be recovered by His mercies.
His deaths has given us grace and salvation .
Nothing else is suppose to cross our minds as should be ready to forgive those who have sinned us because that's the stand in his paths to make heaven.
His is love and he is everything we need as his people to inherit his enternal kingdom and glory at the last day for only those who trust in him.
Committing our selves onto the lord is very important because for everybody who has given his or her life to him would always be controlled by his will and powers . God created us and put a unique thing in our life. He has plan for us wheather in a good or bad situation .He made a real time design for us all . Some people tell lies for their on selfish reasons, telling lie ain't always the right thing to do, that's why we have to say the truth always, because only the truth can set our soul free. lets live in truth and sincerity

Jesus, the Truth (Jn 14:6), stood for the truth. He paid for this stand with His life, as His opponents used deceit, lies, and intimidation of witnesses to condemn Him to death. St. Stephen stood for the truth. He paid for this stand with his life, as his opponents likewise used deceit, lies, and intimidation of witnesses to condemn him to death. TRUTH IS NOT NEGOTIABLE. How much sacrifice can you make for the truth?

You cannot battle against Truth, truth battles for you!

When we always speak the truth, God fights battles for us, as the Bible says Jesus is the TRUTH and life.

Excellent word, to reflect. There are situations in which by not harming others or oneself, we are missing the truth. In these cases, lying can avoid greater evils. This does not mean that the psychologist defends the lie: "The ideal is to be honest and accept the consequences that the truth brings with it.

Whatever happens we must always tell the truth, we must not fall into the networks of lies, we must always assume the responsibilities of our actions. The truth can not be negotiated

Nice post. I found it insightful. We all need to learn from this.

lying is a virus.A virtue of a good Christian is to take responsibility for his actions. To be able to say "I was me", "I was wrong", "I have sinned". Accept the consequences and try, when possible, to repair the damage.

God the Father is "the God of truth" (Psalm 31: 5, Isa 65:16, and from here on). Jesus Christ is "loaded with elegance and truth" (John 1:14). Indeed, He is "reality" (14: 6). The Holy Spirit is "the Spirit of truth" (14:17, 15:26, 16:13). Paul calls the Scriptures "the expression of truth" (2 Tim 2:15). Jesus supplicated: "Your pledge is truth" (John 17:17). Everything about God is reality. God dependably says things as they seem to be.

We must not allow our lips to speak lies. We must be true to the truth, DO NOT sell it, because the truth is not negotiable.

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"
This verse is well known and has been cited by politicians, poets, statesmen of all ages. For example, the Dominican Republic has on its national shield an open Bible with the words of this verse. Now, before using it, we must correctly understand what Jesus meant by it.
In the context in which Jesus made this statement, Judaism believed that the study of the law of Moses made man free. For that reason, the Jewish rulers looked with disdain on the people they considered ignorant: "These people who do not know the law are cursed" (Jn 7:49).
However, what Jesus said is that it would be "the truth" that could make you free, not the law of Moses. At first, both could seem the same, but we have already seen in this gospel that they are not exactly the same:
(Jn 1:17) "For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."


The Bible tells us clearly that truth is not negotiable, someone who believes in God, who says walk with Him must be a carrier and defender of the truth, and not negotiate for anything.

Lying and deceit are not reconcilable with justice. If a person is honest and trustworthy, she does not lie or deceive anyone, let alone her spiritual leaders. Being honest and trustworthy is an integral part of being fair. Proverbs 13: 5-6 says: "The righteous hates the lying word; the evil one becomes hateful and infamous. Justice protects the perfect on the way, but impiety upsets the sinner. "Many people often go through physical consequences as diseases or multiple problems in their lives and do not understand the reason why they travel along that path being Christian, the Word of God He says that HE is a shield to those who walk righteously. He also says that there are ways that man seems good but his end is death. We must be aware of everything we do and say, how can God protect us if we lie? and even more if a great leader or brother is lying to take advantage of something or someone ?. We must reflect, it is better to tell the truth of who we are so that it is God who is glorified in our weaknesses, God bless you thanks for sharing.

Lying and duplicity are not reconcilable with equity. In the event that a man is straightforward and reliable, she doesn't lie or betray anybody, not to mention her profound pioneers. Being straightforward and reliable is an essential piece of being reasonable. "The noble despises the lying word; the shrewd one winds up scornful and notorious. Equity secures the ideal in transit, however irreverence annoys the miscreant. "Numerous individuals regularly experience physical outcomes as ailments or various issues in their lives and don't comprehend the motivation behind why they go along that way being Christian, the Word of God He says that HE is a shield to the individuals who walk honestly. He likewise says that there are ways that man appears to be great yet his end is passing. We should know about all that we do and say, in what capacity would god be able to secure us on the off chance that we lie? also, considerably more if an awesome pioneer or sibling is deceiving exploit something or somebody. We should reflect, it is smarter to come clean of our identity with the goal that it is God who is celebrated in our shortcomings, God favor you much obliged for sharing.

In the event that we continue saying the reality of the situation, there's nothing to stow away.

God has given us His Holy Spirit to help us to dependably say reality and to dependably persuade us at whatever point we go in opposition to reality.