Steemchurch: Drop your coat

in #steemchurch7 years ago


To live the life that God wants you to live, it is important that you increase your ability to take risks. Your level of faith is reflected in the degree of uncertainty that you are willing to handle. The person who wants all things secure, firm in his life, clear, stable, does not need to exercise faith. The way of faith does not know everything, but he believes that everything is possible, he knows that God will work in his favor, that God takes care of us; therefore, he dares to take risks. You can not prosper without taking risks, and faith allows you to take risks.

Perhaps you are limited, detained, you have not dared to make certain moves, things that God has asked you to do, solely and exclusively because of the risk they represent. You want a security base to, then, dare; but you can not steal second base, with your foot in the first one; You have to detach yourself from that security and risk yourself to be able to go further.

One of the demonstrations of your faith is to take a risk, believing that what God is going to do is great and permanent. You have to dare to take risks in your life, risks by faith; Believe God, act and walk despite the uncertainty around you, because you know that God will prosper you, that He will bless you.

In Mark 10, we see the moment when the blind Bartimaeus cries out to Jesus for healing:

"49 Then Jesus, stopping, sent for him; and they called the blind man, saying: Have confidence; get up, call you. 50 He then, throwing off his cloak, got up and came to Jesus. "Mark 10:49

Bartimaeus throws off his cloak, and arrives before Jesus; he throws his cloak, but remains blind. He does not receive the miracle until he approaches Jesus and speaks with him; but, before approaching Jesus, he left his cloak. What is important about this? We are told that this was a blind man who was begging. In those times, people paid a tax to beg; therefore, Bartimaeus had bought that cloak, had paid the taxes so he could sit by the road and ask for money. When Jesus calls Bartimaeus, his first act of faith was to throw off the cloak, meaning: I am going to look for my money; I do not return to this place, next to the road; I do not go begging. What would people who do not want to take risks do? They would have gone to Jesus with the cloak in their hands, in case the miracle did not happen. Bartimaeus released the cloak in an act of faith, saying: I will never beg again, to depend economically on that cloak that makes me a beggar; I will be healthy.

You need to throw your cloak. There are things that you have been depending on, instead of being dependent on God. Today, God's message for your life is: Have confidence; get up, call you. Dare to go out, to say: I'm going to get up.

Live for the assurance that God will do your miracle. Do not depend on the things of your past again. Dare to risk, to believe God that He is going to do something supernatural in your life. Today we exhort you, as the people exhorted Bartimaeus: Have confidence; get up, call you. Drop your cape What God is going to do in your life is going to be so great, that you will never go back to the same place where you were.

Bartimaeus, with that action of throwing off his cloak, was saying: I'm never here again by the side of the road, by the road, by the side of the road. Declare today that you throw away your cloak; Go with confidence, before the Lord; take a chance Bartimaeus was blind; he threw the cloak, and remained blind; but he said: When I get there, I'll be healthy, and I'll never go back to this place.

Believe God for your miracle; she throws away, believing that God is going to do a miraculous work in your life. Bartimaeus received healing, not the moment he threw the cloak; the cloak was a demonstration of the risk he was willing to take to achieve the miracle. When you are willing to risk, you show that you trust that it is not the only thing that God is going to give you, that God is going to take you out of that place, and you move towards the future that God has for you.


In Steemchurch we like the way you approached the publication, we consider that many of us have a cloak to let go. The cloak represents an impediment in our lives. Let's leave all cloak, let us despojemosno and look for the true God, the saint, the only great King Now that there is still time.

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The story of bartimeo is a beautiful biblical story with a beautiful message for our days, all he had was a cloak, it was his coat for the cold days but when he knew that Jesus was passing by there he did not doubt and threw his cloak, he left back his miserable life and trusted the Lord. It is time to let go of the cloak that prevents us from accessing our blessings.

Incredible post. i thnk one of the things that holds us back as huans is the fact that we tend to hold back our blessings by ourselves instead of being spontaneous and doing the needful. the story of bartimeus clearly shows that he was willing to do what was needed and when it was needed. we should ensure that we take this trait into account and be ready to let go of our cloak when due.

The bible says that Whosoever puts his hand on the plough and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. This shows us how important trusting God totally is important. Even if it tarries, as long as we keep believing God for that miracle or breakthrough,it would surely come to pass.

The basic factor that separate successful people from the poor and average is the ability to take risks. Without this, you'll never know how far you could have gone if you don't try!

Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man's life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self.

Believe God for your miracle; she throws away, believing that God is going to do a miraculous work in your life. Bartimaeus received healing, not the moment he threw the cloak; the cloak was a demonstration of the risk he was willing to take to achieve the miracle.

We must trust in God. Great post

This post is very insightful especially for the business minded, we must endeavor to take risks, its a part of life!