Dear Community! Let me inform you that many Venezuelans are outraged at the current situation by the power failures, the prices of food and the insecurity that surrounds their lives, feeling threatened until death.
We must cultivate in our hearts and let it transmute in our acts gratitude to God for the gift of life.
Even among difficulties and uncertainties, every man sincerely open to the truth and good can, by the light of reason and with the secret influence of grace, come to recognize, in the natural law inscribed in the heart (Rm 2,14). , 15), the sacred value of human life from its beginning to its end, and affirm the right that every human being has to see fully respected this primary good.
Someone said: "Human life is sacred because from its origin it encloses the creative action of God, and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, its ultimate goal"
"I put before you life and death, blessing and curse, choose life, then, so that you may live" (Dt 30,19).
The choice for life must be renewed and lived day after day, in the greatest circumstances as in the most modest ones. Choosing life is not always the easiest way, but it is the only one that fully realizes man, because he thirsts for eternal life.
By choosing life, we will not be breaking dark forests of death culture, but we will be depositing our faith in the words of Jesus and letting ourselves be cared for by the Church, to which Christ "loved, for which he gave himself, in order to sanctify it" Eph 5:26).
Every threat to the dignity and life of man reverberates in the heart of the Church, because all have been entrusted to her maternal concern. This becomes clear to us when we see that Jesus Christ was present in all places where human life is threatened; because Christ never abandons man.
Announcing life is particularly urgent in the current days, especially because the multiple forms of threats to it grow.
Courage, dignity, greatness and the meaning of human life are expressed in the redeeming blood of Christ. If God sacrificed his beloved, his only Son for man, it is because he has great value in the eyes of God.
We must cultivate in our hearts and let it transmute in our acts gratitude to God for the gift of life. We must announce without fear to this world where the culture of death, the Gospel of life, grows scary. Because every little seed that we throw in favor of life, although no one notices and remains hidden from the eyes of others, the Father "who sees the secret" (Mt 6,4) will not only reward as it will make it fruitful.
Our hope must not be weakened by so many threats to life, because death has already been defeated. We could ask: "Why, then, does she grow too much and in so many ways?" To shine with greater splendor the victory of Christ on the cross through the powerful force of love for life that exists in the heart of every man.
In another order of ideas, I can not help but remember that the creation of Steemchurch Telos accounts has begun, we show interest in learning from this platform, in this opportunity that @sirknight offers to the parishioners, family and friends.
Certainly we must promote a culture of life that is capable of counteracting the forces of evil in the world.
Well said sister! Hugs
Hi brother Emilio, a solid teaching for the experts. Thank you for reminding us of this truth. Praying for Venezuela
Amen Sister, blessings
God will restore joy to Venezuelans. Keep looking unto Jesus.
Amen Brother, thanks