God works with the perspective of the excellent!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Dear brothers!
"Always give your best, what you plant now, you will reap it later"

Every act of God in Creation was accompanied by the phrase: and God saw that it was good


"And this I ask in prayer, that your love abound more and more in science and in all knowledge, so that you can approve things that are excellent, so that you may be sincere and without offense to the day of Christ; Filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."(Phil 1. 9 - 11)

The Apostle Paul was a man who learned to live intensely the Christian life, developed a lifestyle that became a biblical standard for all Christians. Even in adverse situations, as in the times he was imprisoned, he learned to depend on grace and that led him to experience great things in God and the result was the emergence of the letters that scholars call prisoner letters, such as Philippians, Colossians , Ephesians and Filemon.

And what did this man do so intense in the kingdom of God?

In the first verses of that letter we find some attitudes that that apostle had in his Christian way:


Paul learned to develop a life of daily communion with the Lord. A communion that not only benefited his own life, but also influenced the lives of other people through intercession. A good way to walk in love is to learn to pray constantly for the lives of people.


When we look at verse 9, Paul intercedes for the Christians of Philippi; but in his prayer we can extract a little of what that man's behavior was like:

"And I pray that your love grows more and more in full knowledge and all perception."


Paul developed (increased) the love he had with God every day for communion and meditation on the Word and also with his neighbor, being perceptible, sensitive to the needs of people.


We see that he prayed that each child of God will learn to discern (approve) the excellent things; we can judge what is excellent according to the divine pattern. On several occasions, people make decisions from the perspective of what is obvious or apparently good, but not always the obvious and good will be the will of God in our lives, and it is at that moment that we need to discern and approve by the Spirit the fullness of the Spirit that God has for us.

One thing is certain, God is a God who works with the perspective of the excellent for his children and as such, we have to be excellent in the way of being and living. We have heard wonderful words in this year that culminates, God is shaping us to the reality of what will happen in these last days and for all this to happen, we will have to learn to discern those things.

Let 2019 be a year of great things for us!



When we grow in our communion with the Lord, we begin to operate in the supernatural dimension that can call things to be that were not just as God did in the beginning.

Merry Christmas CEO

Yes Brother UY, Merry Christmas. Soon I communicate with you by discord.

If we want to conquer GOD, conquer His Presence and His Blessings in our lives, we must focus on giving Him First Place in everything and of course giving it our best. The Bible is clear and explicit when it says that as we give, we receive it. God loves excellence

Thanks for the Contribution Carolina

Hi brother! In the case of human beings, excellence refers to some unusual ability or ability or talent that is difficult to match.

Hi Jose, good commentary! Thanks

true talk! kindly follow me back pls.

God wants the best for his children, and there he is always as a father attentive to our steps. Happy, my beautiful people, may the blood of God cover us. Thank you brother for such a beautiful publication @emiliocabrera

Yes my Sister, thanks for you good commentary, hugs.

certain brother @emiliocabrera, to God we must give him the first place in everything, with our life, our time, our finances ... everything we have comes from Him, also understanding that He is the God of our history, and he is careful of us, he carries our burdens, our afflictions and in any situation either of joy or sadness we must depend on him, pleasing him in everything and always doing his divine will
Everything excellent and good depends on Him and His grace is sufficient in us

Amen Sister Ricci, thanks for tha adition excellent. Hugs