Christian community| STEEMCHURCH
Grace and Peace
There is a keyword that I have captured from the steel man, in his call to take STEEMCHURCH to TELOS ... by the way now his new suit is Golden/ Golden Knight.
The word is expansion!
Expansion is a word sounded in the Bible:
God began to work on creation and on the second day of his work, he was already innovating and talking about expansion:
And God called the expanse Heavens. And there was evening and morning was the second day.
Genesis 1: 8
Jabes gold for its territory to be expanded:
And Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, Oh, if you would bless me, and enlarge my territory, and if your hand were with me, and you would deliver me from evil, lest I be harmed! And God gave him what he asked for.
1 Chronicles 4:10
There was a time when the Church of Jerusalem spoke beautifully of Jesus' mandate to evangelize, but they did not leave their homes, only routine and nothing of the Kingdom's expansion.
Suddenly there was a persecution that took them out of their area of conford and they were spread throughout all the cardinal points to preach the good news.
And so many biblical examples of the need to expand.
What do I want to say about all this?
It's time to Expand SteemChurch, look for new horizons and @sirknight has shown a good path:
Sounds awesome, hopefully the great work here on Steem isn't affected!
Steem is a good home @charitycurator, our struggle remains here. Thanks for passing.
Great, I think the @steemchurch presence and all that goes with it is important for the future of steem!
Thanks for that reminder @charitycurator, we really love Steem
Expansion and growth is very necessary in a man's life. So, I'm glad to know that the church too is eager for expansion. Telos is a very welcoming and expanding idea. I'll sure get registered? Which of those links do I use?
Yes Liltom, follow the first link
The hour of growth has arrived and the gospel of our Lord will be spread with him.
The expansion and the way we do demonstrate our faith and courage to occupy new lands. Good message dear EC. We will move towards Telos.
Ok my Brother @emiliocabrera
expansion speaks of growth, and this speaks that God is blessing his people, We are going to conquer other territories, thanks for the message EC, Blessings