The Lord has uncovered Himself to humankind in different ways with the goal that we can know who He truly is and what He needs from us. Is God adoring, judgmental, kind, and so on.? What is His will for your life?
God has now uncovered his identity, and what He needs from us in the Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the obvious and useful disclosure of what God resembles. This disclosure of God was not simply by the lessons that He gave. He didn't have classes to instruct the general population about the Father, however these lessons additionally showed us about the Father.
The Father, however, was uncovered in the Person of Jesus. His extremely life, the way He communicated with individuals, what He needed for individuals, what He was satisfied and disappointed with, and so on are the aggregate and finish disclosure of what God truly resembles.
What was Jesus' response to ailment, neediness, devils, and so on? Did He ever decline to mend any individual who came to Him in view of some reason just He knows? What did He do when His pupils had a material need? Did He reveal to them they didn't require these "common things"?. Jesus' natural life on earth is the most significant disclosure of the Person of God mankind has ever had.
However, the general population who saw Him amid His natural life couldn't get that disclosure at the time since they didn't have the Spirit. Today, His human life is reported for us in the Word to see Him still. Take a gander at Jesus, and His life has volumes to show you about the Father.
Good to hear from you evadiva, Thanks for sharing with Us!