The God of This World

in #steemchurch7 years ago

The Scripture above calls Satan the "god of this world." The start of his defiance was attached in his craving to resemble the one genuine God. In Isaiah 14:14, he said "I will climb over the statures of the mists; I will resemble the most High." And this is precisely what he is seeking to do in this present age. He is taking the place of God in the lives of individuals, blinding their psyches to the main genuine God and acting himself like a god. Furthermore, to top it all off, the individuals who are blinded and venerate him frequently do as such without understanding that is the thing that they are doing.

Jesus put forth a shocking expression in John 8:44 when He called Satan the dad of the Jews! They couldn't deal with what they heard and clearly took up stones to execute Him. Satan was affecting and controlling the Jews in unpretentious but substantial ways that were not evident to them. This has been his longing, to be the god of the lives of people, controlling them and making them revere him as he asked for Jesus to do (Matt. 4:9).

Satan must be ousted. That is the reason Jesus came. Decline to respect his control through desires. Decline to adore him (Matt. 4:9). The genuine God alone should be venerated and He should reign in your life!

What do you figure an unsaved person would do if they hear that their brains are blinded by Satan? Would they end up irritate like the Jews were?

At whatever point we respect Satan, he is controlling us as our god. Decline to bow and love the temptations he brings your direction, regardless of whether desire, influence, radiance, or riches.


Good to hear from you Evadiva, Thanks for sharing with Us!



God bless your post is rank on no 1 in steemit ...god is great ....

There are people who are told that they are doing the things that Satan likes and they get upset, they say that we Christians are fanatics and they reject the word. In the same way we must preach to them and God will take care of the rest.

Wow, thanks for sharing. Am blessed with the write up. Satan the god of this world. 2 Corinthians 4vs4... When we preach the gospel, we bring men to light and get them out of darkness.