in #steemchurch7 years ago

The New Testament church was birthed in an environment of restriction and oppression. The early Christians were hated, chased and bothered for their devotion to Jesus Christ. They were debilitated, hassled, scared, excluded and slaughtered.

How would you get a kick out of the chance to have a place with such a church? The early church persevered through this tsunami of wrath as well as they survived and flourished in such a setting. What was the mystery of their development? The appropriate response is plain for us to see when we read the book of Acts; it was because of the need of prayer in both their private and open lives. Prayer was their lifeline. Prayer was the prevail movement in the early church.

Prayer is the most referred to worship action in the Book of scriptures, happening by word and action in excess of 2,200 times! The church was continually progressing in light of the fact that it was consistently on its knees! The chronicled book of the New Testament is called "The Demonstrations of the Missionaries"- it could likewise be referred to as "The Book of Prayer" since 28 times in the 28 sections of the book, prayer is specified by word or by training.

What amount of significance do we append to prayer? Tune in to what a portion of the notable Christian pioneers have needed to say in regards to prayer: - W. Graham Scroggie "Without prayer, nothing can be refined for God." - John Bunyan "He who keeps running from God early in the day will barely discover Him whatever remains of the day." - When asked how much time he spent in prayer, George Mueller's answer was, "Hours consistently. But I live in the spirit of prayer. I supplicate as I walk and when I rests and when I emerge.

What's more, the appropriate responses are continually coming." - Martin Luther "If I should disregard prayer but a single day, I ought to lose a lot of the fire of faith." - Samuel Chadwick "The one worry of the demon is to shield Christians from asking. He fears nothing from prayerless examinations, prayerless work and prayerless religion. He giggles at our work, ridicules at our shrewdness, but he trembles when we supplicate."

Billy Graham "It is an affront to God not to set aside time for prayer. We set aside a few minutes for different things critical to us; for what reason not prayer?" - W.A, Criswell "Genuine prayer impacts God. If we can't move God for our sake, we can't impact our general surroundings." - Charles Swindoll "The prayer energy of a church is the genuine estimation of it's spiritual wellbeing.

The church can't ascend higher than it's prayer control." - Lehman Strauss "It is my unassuming sentiment that an arrival to the scriptural method for imploring will take spiritual power back to our lives and our churches."The New Testament church was an asking church. It was conceived in a prayer meeting in the Second story Room and it was borne along on the wings of prayer. It has been said that the advanced church limps along on the quality of human resourcefulness when it could jump ahead on the energy of prayer. Give us a chance to investigate the early church and figure out how we can be controlled by prayer.


Good to hear from you evadiva, Thanks for sharing with Us!




I agree with you sis, The church can't ascend higher than it's prayer control."

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The Church is a place of Prayer .. Nice one @evadiva

A praying Church is a growing Church