"Even in old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I ANNOUNCE YOUR POWER to posterity, and your POWER to all who are to come" (Psalm 71:18).

The first Christians "put the world upside down". Your RESPONSIBILITY and ours is currently the same:
✤ Rescue those who perish,
✤ Caring for the dying,
✤ GO to the homeless and tell them that JESUS SAVES.
An anecdote tells of a little girl who said to her mother: "Mom, do you remember that valuable vase that we really appreciate and that came to our family, passing from generation to generation?" The mother replied: "Yes, of course I remember it. "Then, the girl timidly confessed:" Well, this generation dropped it. "

What is more valuable to you: your possessions or the more than two billion souls who do not know Jesus Christ? What are you investing your talents, riches and time? Ask God to help you "die for yourself" so that He can use it totally for His glory
May your Faith increase, and never let it break through the situations of life. Your faith increases when you put your trust in the one who can do everything.
Have faith, embrace god and good things will happen to you
amen amen amen