In South West Asia the buffalo is known as
"the eastern tractor" due to the use of its force for heavy work on the land. A buffalo can carry loads up to just over 2,866 pounds, it certainly has tremendous force. That is to say that this animal has the capacity to carry almost 30 sacks of 100 Lbs of coffee in bone grain that we do not need a pick up !! The capacity of the Buffalo is impressive and let's not say its structure can weigh more than 1200 kg, the truth is that something incredible. Despite its monstrous size, its strength and overwhelming power, this animal is capable of running up to 60 kilometers per hour. And if that were not enough, at the base, the horns are very wide and smooth, they are almost in the center of the forehead and form a hard helmet, which the bullets can not pierce, and protect the head of the animal from claws and teeth of others. What a great animal that even his own bulletproof vest has on his head!