Fellowship with God is vital to the operation and performance of our faith in Christ. Fellowship is not an assumed state of being, rather, it is an active state of being. Just as a husband and wife. married though. but may not be in fellowship with each other for reasons best known to them, a believer can be out of fellowship with God, (though he is in Christ and born again) for the reason stated in 1John 7:5-7
"This then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth. But. if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another; and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sins.”
The Word tells us that walking in darkness is inconsistent with walking in the light. Walking in the light is walking according to God's Word; it means for one's steps to be ordered in the Word, and that is what it means to be in fellowship with God. Therefore fellowship with God must not be assumed; it is a walk with God, a walk of faith, a walk of keeping pace with God in the Word. That you are born again does not necessarily mean you are in fellowship with God. You must learn to put the Word to work in your life. You must turn on the switch of fellowship with God by acting upon the Word; You must seek to keep faith and union with the Word daily. Fellowship with God is staying in faith and union with the Word daily.
Note what the Bible says in verse 6 of 1 John 1; "if we claim or say that we have fellowship with God, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth." But, in verse 7, it states that if we walk in the light...” showing that being born again does not necessarily translate into walking with God; they are two different things. Being born again is the prerequisite to walking with God. A walk is an active state of being. and you have a part to play; you have a responsibility to discharge. it is very important you know what it is. So, in a walk with God, there are things to do, and as you do those things in faith, you come into fellowship with God. You live daily by the Word. When you stray. repent and pick up yourself from the dust. receive forgiveness and press unto perfection. God is faithful to perfect what He began in you. Trust in Him with all your heart. and lean not on
our own understanding.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ’Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
Relationship vs. Fellowship
When God created humanity, He had two overarching purpose in mind: Relation and Fellowship. There is much confusion about these two terms, if you can grasp the truth of these two simple thoughts, you will be more firmly grounded in your intimacy with God. There is a .
Adam and eve ruined the fellowship with God and until Jesus came the cord between man and God was servered but Jesus came and established that one true friendship and true communication and fellowships with God.
It means having time alone with God, it means being one on one with God.
God created humans for intimate fellowship with Him. Since the time of Adam, God desired relationship with those created in His image. God had a direct fellowship with Adam and Eve until the day they left the garden of Eden. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing on SteemChurch.
Fellowship with God that produces a life to His glory is a matter of enjoying and reflecting His character.
Have a great weekend!
Upvoted & Resteemed,
Very good message I really think this is a turn around topic for all of us who are lagging in our relationship with God to step out and rededicate our lives to him and make the best of it of breaching the gap between father and son's relationship.
Fellowship with God means a lot and it focuses and start with us his children God loves us and we need him to survive on planet earth and to do ans scale through the tides of life we need the effectiveness of relating with him.
Fellowship with God brings us closer to God. Prayer is a good way to fellowship with God.
I really do appreciate.... Thanks for sharing this great word
Great words you write on fellowship with Godthanks for sharing this posts . Thanks @steemfarm,
Great words you write on fellowship with God
thanks for sharing this posts
yes absolutey i resteem your postGod bless you
Fellowship with God brings us closer to God.
Brilliant job.Informative post well