When we are children our worries are relatively few, and even in circumstances of difficulty, economic or family, children always show optimism and there is always a glimmer of hope in their eyes, product of their innocence.
In adolescence things change, and responsibilities increase, and it is time for difficult decisions which can be good ... or bad.

In youth, we put all our effort to project our life, whether a responsible life, or an irresponsible one given to the pleasures and distractions of this world.
Already in the maturity, we are marked by the decisions made, and we begin to realize our mistakes and successes, but we still continue with the way of life that we have proposed. But in the life of every human being comes the time to look back, to take stock, to count fruit. Sooner or later we will turn around, and look at the past years and what was our life in them. Pleasant moments will come to our memory, but moments of sorrow will also come, and the bitter taste is usually more persistent than good memories. And the question comes to our mind. What is it that I have sown?
Galatians 6: 7 Do not be deceived: God can not be mocked: for whatever a man sows, that will also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; But he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. (Reina Valera '60)
The Bible tells us that there are two types of seed ... the one that is sown for our "carnality" and the one that is sown for the "Spirit". Planting for meat is very easy ... living a life ignoring God and doing our will is to sow for the flesh. To live at our whim without fear of a God, whom we have isolated from an early age outside our "circle of life": to sow for the flesh. And after we have lived long enough ... we see that we grew in our lives from that seed we sow ... and we see only unhappiness, sadness, sins and bitterness. And finally we see that the end of that harvest is CORRUPTION or spiritual death. There are usually two types of decisions which the human being takes after looking back and seeing that there is no spiritual benefit:
Try to recover "lost time" by sowing even more for the meat (seeking refuge, in the things of this world to distract yourself)
Rethinking and returning to God to begin "a new life in Christ." God gives every human being the opportunity to repent, no matter how old he is, and look to Christ as the savior of his life. Perhaps the harvest of our life without God has been disastrous, but in Jesus we have a new opportunity ... we have the opportunity to start sowing "for the Spirit".
There is a station of God for all the seeds that you sow, whether good or bad, SEED OF FAITH. God has a calendar for every seed we sow. Your calendar does not always correspond to ours. Sometimes "due time" is associated with a quick result. Others to a slow process, that could take years, even a whole life. But we can be sure of three things. First, God will make a harvest sprout from our seeds. Second, God never advances or falls behind; always act just in time and wholeheartedly as far as our good is concerned. Third, our harvest will depend on the quantity and quality of the kind of seeds we sow: Good seeds bring good harvests, while bad seeds bring bad harvests.
What should we do during the time of growth of our seeds? 1) Do not get discouraged. 2) Determine to keep our faith alive and active. 3) Give and continue giving; love and keep loving. You have to know this: Your harvest, the one that God produces, is guaranteed. Let's continue in an attitude of expectation.
The time to sow in our life, GLOBAL EVANGELIZATION. The law of sowing and harvesting is at the heart of evangelization worldwide; using all kinds of tools. In John 4, Jesus designates with a divine Now at the time of our laboring in the harvest of souls (John 4.35-38). Here we are reminded that our time of life is our "time of sowing," and the harvest of our life will yield many fruits of the sown seed, if we sow wisely. This truth invites us to abandon all reservations and give God the best of our lives, so that He can raise a rich harvest. Hosea 8.7 postulates the same principle, referring to the power to "sow" for evil instead of God. The truth makes its way through this comparison. If sowing for evil (the flesh) can harvest a whirlwind, how much more can sow for good (for the Spirit) give rise to the great power of God !, which came as a strong and mighty wind on the day of Pentecost.
Could not the Spirit manifest as a hurricane of power if it finds us sowing for the Lord? A life in the hands of God is a guarantee for the growth of his work throughout the world.
Today you can start a "new sowing" ... a new sowing in Christ.

This topic is very well developed @giacamila777, everything we plant is going to harvest, that is why we should try to plant the good, the just, everything that is of good name.
Vastly appealing