We live surrounded by violence. It has always been this way in history, there are no stories of communities without the presence of violence as a way of expression and social regulation. What differs between societies involves their intensity of expression and their social valorization. Violence has always crossed all classes and social groups.
In Venezuela, we witness the growth of violence. Its increase transforms its expression into something habitual, almost acceptable. Sometimes, given its trivialization, its presence is not perceived. An example that illustrates well its wide social circulation occurred in recent events. He who thinks differently is quickly transformed into an enemy and, in this condition, is subject, at least in social networks, to various insults and disqualifications. In this torrent of violence, many of us Christians adhere with joy. When violence occurs, in acts and words, so widely in a society, it becomes something difficult to overcome.
Given this seriousness, how would it be possible to combat the increase in violence in Venezuela? Some soon present solutions oriented by violence. That is, it seeks to combat violence with equally violent actions. The examples of history show that violent choices never succeeded in producing a more peaceful society. At most, they managed to liven up its effects.
What would be the contribution that the Venezuelan church could give to a violent society like ours? How can we, evangelicals, play the role designated by Jesus to be salt and light of the world, as described in Matthew 5.16? What we learn from Jesus takes us away from violent solutions to combat violence. On the contrary, it guides us in Matthew 5.9 to seek peace, to be peacemakers. I understand that peace (shalom) in the Jewish context is not restricted to overcoming conflicts, it goes further, including the existence of conditions favorable to life. So much so, that often shalom is translated by prosperity, instead of peace.
I believe that in this path of peacebuilders, two challenges are presented as the basis for any action. First, we need to recognize that we need to be more evangelical, more followers of Jesus. The challenge is to have our mind in confrontation with worldly ideas, according to Romans 12.2, in order not to adhere to simplistic ideas and to despise the people for whom Christ died. As long as our mind does not approach evangelical teachings, we can make little contribution to our society. The second, in duplication of the previous one, is to seek to spread the evangelical proposal of peace in society.
Any Christian action to combat violence will necessarily unite the search for human dignity of all involved and better conditions of security. Our responsibility as Christians is great and fundamental: to teach and live the peace of God. May we be the peace of God!
We are Glendys peacemakers, the Beatitudes remind us of the importance of promoting peace.
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