On one occasion Jesus said: "Before removing the straw that is in the eye of your brother, Hypocrite, take out the beam that you have in your eye." (matteo7: 5) It was resounding rejection to judge and criticize your brother, it is unfortunate to see how many people waste time, they spend a whole life dedicated to studying the behavior of others with the sole interest of commenting on public the defects that that person can have. It is also a protection to avoid insults and blasphemy that could arise in the name of God and his Word because of the hypocrisy of some people who judge and correct others, living them the same or worse. But at that time that parable was addressed to the scribes and Pharisees who were studied law and knew more than anyone what were the social, moral and spiritual decrees that had to be fulfilled, but when they were not executed correctly these decrees there were like Lightning quickly to signal and judge.
Well let me express my open opinion yes, do not waste your time criticizing @steemchurch but rather use this means in an evangelistic way so that those who have deviated from the purpose, that when reading a publication of yours backed by the holy spirit your life will be transformed . Personally we must change ourselves first and with your example you can be a means for God to use you to transform other lives. Do not judge your brother! (Romans 14: 10-12) "But you, why do you judge your brother? Or you too, why do you despise your brother? Because we will all appear before the tribunal of Christ. "

I have decided to touch this point of him of "Do not judge" because it has been one of the greatest evils that has devastated the "churches of Christ", and not only to them but also to many other denominations alike. Normally this happens when someone has the audacity to speak about some illicit or incorrect act of a brother; can be understood with the following example: Someone says: "This brother is not good what he is doing, we should show him his fault" (speaking of some legitimate sin). And someone responds: "Brother, do not judge him, so that you will not be judged". This type of comments: they provoke a silent lapel and allow injustices, a silence that in situations like these, it is not correct to keep silent.
| Thank you very much for reading part of our religious content that is contributed to @steemchurch for the purpose of building the church of Christ.
Now @god.reporter asks you, dear reader that there are currently people who have supplanted the place of the Pharisees, but with clothes different from what they used, adopting the same behavior that they had centuries ago to criticize and point to his brothers ?