MASTER! What good thing should I do to have ETERNAL LIFE? Mathew 19:16.

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

Dearly beloved. Wisdom is not in much hearing but in many messages about salvation have been preached repeatedly but some people are still found doing the same thing without any change of heart.There is always a brief period of sober reflection when messages are preached or when people die and funeral are done but after a while everything is forgotten . WHY? It seems our mind have a way of insulating words we hear so that they don't manifest to action. This is a very serious matter.
James 1:21-22 says " wherefore lay aside all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your soul. You are not justified by only hearing but by doing. No matter the amount of words we hear it all amounts to nothing without action.
That young man asked Jesus "master what good thing should I do to have ETERNAL life? Jesus said to him "go and sell what thou hast and give it to the poor and follow me but the man went away with great sorrow because he had so much possession ".
Many people are paying deaf ear to the gospel because of what others say or what they will have to let go but the truth is this " Life is too short to waste time playing with your salvation " because it is appointed unto man once to die after that judgement. Your life is not tied to another, therefore you alone will give account of your own life to your creator. DSC_8068 copy.jpgBE WISE.