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Hello stemians and welcome to the second part of the topic "The power of Positive thinking". On this second part, I will be concentrating on working on the mind
Work On Your Mind
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Roman's 12 vs 1-2
Every transformation begins in the mind. There is no change in life outside the mind. The mind sets the pace for every change that a man or woman experiences in life. No change ever comes to be except as initiated in the mind. A local dialer in Nigeria has a very powerful word for repentance. It calls it "thinking to change your character or habit". This agree with , but ye be transformed by the renewing of the is a change on the inside that brings about a change on the outside.
We don't cry for a change, we think through for a change. A breakthrough in mind equals an automatic breakthrough in life. I wish that all the "praying throughs" that people do were appropriately changed to "thinking throughs". Then we would have bee through long ago.
I once came across a quote that says, very many think once a year, few think twice. I have set a record by thinking at least once a week". There will never be a change except as initiated by a change in the mind. Unfortunately, very many are not thinking, so very many are not changing. not prayer that brought the Prodigal son back. Luke 15 vs 17, "And when he came to himself...". He didnt bind the devil. A change in his thought was all he needed for his change of destiny. He said , "I will arise and go to my father, enough is enough . He didn't say, Satan let me go.
Isaiah puts it in a very colorful way. He said no matter how neck deep you are into sin, the Lord says;
Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your Sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Isaiah 1 vs 18
No matter the depth of waywardness, covenant provoking thoughts will rescue anyone from the dungeons of Satan. We have cried enough. If we think half the way we have cried,. Our light would have since broken forth out of insecurity. There are very few thinkers!. That's why there are so many stinkers.
For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him?
1Corinthians 2 vs 11
No other man knows the level where you really are now, but you. Nobody's light shines without thinking. It is the quality of your thoughts that determines the intensity of your light. The brightness of your light is determined by the birghtness of your thinking. That is the way out.
There is no transformation without mind renewal. It is a change in the mind that affects a change in the outside. Thinking is a lifelong responsibility!. If you don't want the sun to go down, get into covenant Bible- based thoughts, that will cause Evey darkness around you to be subdued and the light of heaven to cover you and overtake you.It takes quality thinking to shine brightly.
For which of you intending to build a tower, sitteth not.dowm first and countenth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
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Some depth of your spiritual though determines the height of the tower. There is no on you that covenant thoughts cannot break. I see breakthrough in mental dignity coming your way!. Brining your out from Evey trouble and every chain.
Just settle down and think! Stop pointing accusing fingers at others! You are absolutely responsible for your present position. If you want to have a breakthrough, stop looking for who to blame. The Prodigal son didn't say "if it were not for that friend who misled me...." Nor did he say it was Satan that deceived him. He www simply available
You have been giving tithes and offerings and you can't see the results. Sit down and think, why is this thing nor working also?. All that a wife beater needs to sit down and think . If that thought is deeply rooted in the word ofnGid., It will liberate him. He will just walk into liberty as though that bondage never existed.
You can shed off any weight , you know!.All you nee us sit down and talk to yourself. Where Ma I going?, How did I get there? Just sit down! Until you sit down, you don't return!. You need to return from from your Prodigal journeys, before the father closes the gate. Isaiah 30 vs 15 says " in returning and rest shall ye be saved. He said, come now.....Now is the time to reason with God.
The devil knows the importance of the mind. He knows you never gain access to light without the he blinds people's mind.
For I know nothing by myself. Yet am.i not hereby justified: but he that judgethe is the Lord.
2Corinthians 4 vs 4
When the mind is blinded, nothing shines. The Holysghost is the one that sharpens your mental capability. Isaiah 11 vs 3 says;
And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord.
Your baptism in the Holy ghost is not just for speaking in tongues. It also enhances mental prowess, surprising intelligence, the ability to reason in the class of God, to enhance liberty and freedom! It's time to reason. When you are born again, your mind becomes asset for revolution. By the grace of God, Steemchurch is where it is today by quality thinking. Thinking should get us excited at Steemchurch.
You locate solutions if you give your mind to reasoning.. you will able to chart a course for yourself. There is no problem without solution. You only need to sit down and think through
This is the second part of the series "The power of positive thinking"
I am a Dogged son of God

Pretty much what every modern day believer should do is what you just shared
Sometimes we waste time casting devil when we just have to do a little extra thinking
God's thought towards us are of peace and not of evil
Will benefit us much if we think deeply through the word and promises of God
Another terrific post mate
Most of us go through life taking little notice of our thought processes: how the mind thinks, what it fears, what it heeds, what it says to itself, what it brushes aside. For the most part, we go about your lives with minimal attention paid to how we think. We go through life neglecting one of the most important and powerful forces in our life: our thoughts.
The team at Community News is loving these SteemChurch gifs hboi. You have quite a talent.
thanks for appreciating it.
The Bible said, we should use our minds for positive thinking for all what we think goes round and comes back to us.
A philosopher once said "i think therefore I am'. We can only shine when we think as though we are the light. Without realizing we are still in the dark.
It is quite understandable that transformation starts with the mind and the best discipline is done to the mind,if we really need a change then their should be in our mode of thinking like the prodigal son did.
Positive thinking changes the power of negative mindset!
There is power in our thinking as it affect every of our actions, and in the end the things that occupies your thought become you.
When you feel all hope is loss and there's nothing left you can do.. Try to motivate yourself.. Positive thoughts go a long way, it in itself is a miracle.. It makes things happen, you need that mindset to go from nothing to something and even better.. Rome wasn't built in a day, it all started with planning. I love this article 👍 @godson380
As Christians, we have to learn to believe in faith, nice concept @godson
The mind the power to make you superior or ferior the choice is your's.however,postive mindset make you to be on top in life
Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!
This is a powerful sermon, I learnt the perspectives of the holy spirit and the many fuctions of prescence in the life of mankind
We can only change our lives and impact our environment when we change our ideology
Very powerful message thanks for sharing