STEEMCHURCH: The new life in Christ

in #steemchurch7 years ago

John 3: 1-6
"3 And there was a man of the Pharisees whose name was Nicodemus, prince of the Jews.
2 He came to Jesus by night, and said to him, Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a teacher; because nobody can do these signs that you do, if God were not with him. 3 Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he can not see the kingdom of God." 4 Nicodemus says to him: How can man be born when he is old? Can he enter the womb of his mother again, and be born?
5 Jesus answered: Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God. 6 What is born of the flesh is flesh; and what is born of the Spirit, spirit is."


In this world, there are many who want to be born again through believing in Jesus. But first I would like to tell you that being born again is not in us, in other words this can not be obtained through our acts.

¿Being born again is related to physical changes and emotions?
Do not!. Being born again is related to spiritual changes.

Most Christians have this error of conception. They believe they are safe to be born again because they have built many new churches. Because many are dedicated to taking the word as missionaries and think that with that single fact they are doing God's work.

And that's not all. There are also people who donate large amounts of money to their churches, or perhaps they sweep the floor of the church every day. All of everything, they consecrate their time and properties to the church. And they believe that with all this they will win the crown of life. They hope that God recognizes their efforts and allows them to be born again.

There are many people who want to be born again and work hard, hoping that one day God will bless them and allow them to be born again. It is very unfortunate that they do not know the truth about the new birth.

They think in the terms of their deeds, "If I do this perfectly, I will be born again." Therefore they put all their effort into this work, believing that they are building the necessary foundation to be born again, and thinking, "I too will be born again someday.

They interpret the verse to mean that no one can say where the blessing comes from being born again or where it is going.

Therefore they can only work hard in the hope that Jesus will allow them to be born again someday. There are many who think, "If I continue to do so, Jesus will allow me to be born again some day, I will come to be born again, even without realizing it." Some morning I will simply wake up born again and knowing that my destiny It is heaven. " Oh, how unsuccessful is your hope and your faith!

We can never be born again like this!
We can never be born again by staying away from drunkenness and cigarettes, or by going to church diligently. As Jesus said, we have to "be born of water and the spirit" to enter the kingdom of God. And the water and the Spirit are the only conditions of God to be born again.

Unless one is born again of the water and the Spirit, all their efforts to be just before Jesus are in vain. One can never be born again with offerings, donations or devotion. He may think that only God knows who is born again, the person can not know if he is born again or not.

It could be comforting for him to think this way, but being born again can not hide under the table. He himself would definitely not feel it physically, but definitely if we would feel it very well spiritually. The truly born through the Word of God. The words of the water, the blood and the Spirit. Peo those who can not understand it as Nicodemus could not.

Therefore we have to listen to the words of truth, redemption through baptism and the blood of Jesus. So while we attend and learn the word of God we can find the truth in it, therefore it is very important to open our minds and listen carefully.

John 3: 8
"The wind blows where it wants, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going, so is everyone who is born of the Spirit and the blood of Jesus."

The one who listens to the gospel and understands. "Oh, then I am without sin, so I was saved and I was born again." When he believes and keeps the gospel of the water and the Spirit in his heart, he becomes righteous, a child of God.

Being born again and being saved is the same thing. But there are many who do not know this truth. Being born again means that the sin in our hearts has been washed away through our faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. This means being made righteous through faith in the baptism of Jesus and his sacrifice on the Cross.

Being born again means wearing the clothes of Jesus' baptism, dying on the Cross with Jesus, and being resurrected with Him. This means that one has been made righteous through the words of the baptism and the cross of Jesus.

Those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and who have been born again can distinguish the one who is genuinely born again among ordinary Christians.


SteemChurch. We agree with you. Good morals are needed to enter God's Kingdom, so we have do what is right all the time.A terrific post from you @guada1, we are glad to have you at

Upvoted & Resteemed

Grateful to @steemchurchu and @sirknight, for the support they have given me. It is true we have to give testimony of us with our life day, day. Blessings for all.

When a person found the Christ, he becomes a different person with a different new life

This is a friend @bigssam, and thanks for reading and commenting. Blessings.

Anyone who is in CHRIST is a new creature
Old things are passed away and absolutely everything other thing about the individual's life becomes new
Thanks for sharing

As humans, we always make changes. Being "born again" is a term many people do not truly understand. We have to live our lives to align with God's purposes. Nice one from you.

You are right. Many Christians are not saved because they do not really understand the true meaning of being born again. I really hope your post reaches out to those who are not strong in their Christian walk with God.

The one who listens to the gospel and understands. "Oh, then I am without sin, so I was saved and I was born again." When he believes and keeps the gospel of the water and the Spirit in his heart, he becomes righteous, a child of God.

@guada1, thanks for sharing this insightful post.

An edifying post, being born again means attaining righteousness through baptism.


I was born again million times.

There are many people who believe that by repeating that they accept JESUS as Lord they are already saved and this is only achieved when genuinely when the Holy Spirit brings conviction to the sinner and begins the regenerative work in the heart of the penitent. Good post.

what is of the cesar, when it ceases, what is of GOD, TO GOD, what is monetary is not of the spiritual, we come to grow spiritually to this world ... a very true truth of the post