70’s Genre Music Can Heal a Nation

in #steemchurch7 years ago

70’s Genre Music Can Heal a Nation

I am an American Negro, aged 59, and I grew up listening to Pop music radio stations. We did not listen to the so-called ‘Black Only’ radio station. I was exposed to music from both white and black artists.

If you are a negro in America and only listened to Black artists then I think you may have missed out on part of the American Heritage. Music is a great uniter. Music reaches the soul and moves the body. The lyrics of songs can inform the mind. I propose that hearing popular music from both races grows love in the listener.

By contrast, most white Americans grew up listening to music by both races. The 70’s music genre had an excellent mix of talent and artistry. You have great groups like Chicago, the Doobie Brothers, the Eagles, The Bee Gees, the Four Tops, the O’jays, the Temptations, the Jacksons, the Isley Brothers, Earth Wind and Fire, the Spinners, and more. We also had great solo artists. The music was soulful and expressive by both races. Who doesn’t love John Denver?

Why do I call myself a negro instead of a black or Afro-American? Simply put my ancestors were already here in America before the White European immigrants came.


The definition of ‘American’ in 1828 proves my point:

AMER’ICAN, noun A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.

By reading this definition we see that at first, we colored people were the Americans, but now the term American applies to the white people whose forefathers came here from Europe. Black Americans, and Afro-Americans, start calling yourselves Americans! And if you want to differentiate by race, then we are American Negroes. Our ancestors were not African slaves brought here by ships. You will have to do your research on the slave industry of those times.

You are an American

We have been lied to. We have been a people with no country for decades and no culture but a pseudo-culture developed by our grandparents. Listening to only so-called Black music helped develop that fake culture. Add a lack of proper education and you see the plight of American Negroes in today’s America. Learn the truth and know that you do have a country, and you were born in it. You are an American!

With this new mindset, and by challenging yourself to listen to some 70’s music, you can begin to feel like you belong to something real. You can heal the divide between the races simply by embracing the music of the 70’s by both Negroes and whites. Listen to the love songs. Listen to the songs that evoke emotions. Hear the soulful crooning by white artists. Snap out of your brainwashing that says that white people are your enemies. No, they are the sons and daughters of people born here in America also. They only know themselves as Americans, and you should know the same truth. Look at yourselves, and agree that American Negroes do not even look like African people.

All we American Negroes needed was this one truth, that we are Americans, and proper education so that we could become effective citizens of this great country. I propose that you make a commitment to listen to 70’s genre music. There is a website that provides this music for free.


This site works with most cable companies.

At the top, click on Music Channels, and in the drop-down menu, choose 70’s. Last, you just log in. While you are browsing the internet, just listen to the music in the background. Push yourself, if you want to heal, and keep listening for several days. The music is good. The 70’s music can heal this nation. What a way to celebrate Black History Month, with the truth, we are Americans!

I leave you with one song and ask you who is Barry Manilow singing about?


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