How to Receive Revelations of God’s Mysteries

in #steemchurch7 years ago

How to Receive Revelations of God’s Mysteries

I am personally frustrated and a bit dissatisfied with the current crop of known Watchmen on the Wall for Father God. To be honest almost all of them have been pronouncing the same message for several years — Coming Judgment. Mark Taylor is one servant whose message differs and the question is why is that so? Taylor claims that Father God has reached down and dirty into the affairs of mankind and is working to right the wrongs in our societies. God is behind all the unveiling of evil doings in our governments; not just in America. God seems interested in bringing judgment on “systems” of malfeasance. Again, why does Mark Taylor know that these issues are foremost on God’s Heart?

The answer is that Mark is listening to the Holy Spirit. If that claim is true then what are most of the other Watchmen and women doing that they appear to miss the messages that God wants to send to everyone on Earth? They love God and Jesus. They are saved and have devoted their lives in service to God. The problem is that they are working off from their intellect and head knowledge of the Bible. They have not utilized the Holy Spirit in a way that was meant to be done. The Holy Spirit comes alongside the believer to guide their lives, teach them and lead them into all truth. Everything the Father and Son are talking about; the Holy Spirit reveals to believers. The Holy Spirit gently corrects wrong thinking and thereby purifies the thoughts and actions of the Children of God. Revelation of what is on God’s heart comes by the Holy Spirit.

I am sorry to have to tell you that the Watchmen are totally missing what God is doing in the Earth. Yes, Divine Judgment is always hanging over our heads as we know, rightly, that we are in the last days. However, God has a plan that is supposed to be “Good News” for EVERYONE. The crux of the Gospel is that God gives Salvation for FREE. Jesus paid for our forgiveness by His death on the Cross and His resurrection. Abraham is the Father of faith of all those who will believe Father God. Everything in the Gospel is about restoring relationship between the children and their Father God. God’s desire is that His children pursue their Christian walk to the point where He can prepare them for Glorification. It will be these glorified believers who will spread the Gospel around the world and perform greater miracles than even Jesus did. That summation is God’s plan and it is, indeed, good news.

So, the question is, what do the Watchmen and women need to do to get on the right track? They need to stop everything and get to working with the Holy Spirit. Knowledge of God is not limited to one book, the Bible. Intimacy with Father God allows us stretch our imaginations about what can be true. A vibrant relationship with God lends toward revelation knowledge. When we hear something “new” from our communion with God, He then guides us to confirmations. Once the new idea is confirmed then we can learn even more revelations related to that truth. In this manner, God can reveal Himself to us and we are better able to hear what is on His heart.

Father God teaches His believers, Himself. These kinds of experiences are what the Christian walk is all about. Watchmen must understand how simple God’s plan of Salvation really is. We have got to stop “ADDING” to the Gospel, all of our rules and formats. Jesus commands us to ask for the Holy Spirit once we believe. Once the Holy Spirit comes into the life of a believer, then God teaches that person Himself. There are millions of people who believe in God and even believe in what Jesus has done, but no one is telling them to ask for the Holy Spirit so that God can take care of them the way He intends!

Isn’t this such great news? For Heaven’s sake, Satan was defeated at the Cross!

I challenge every reader of this message to perform two easy and simple exercises to result in your ability to hear God’s Voice more clearly. Make a commitment to watch your every thought 24/7 while also asking the Holy Spirit to help you and teach you about your thought life. Also, pretend that Father God is watching your life through your own very eyes. As you live, speak to God about everything that you are witnessing. It does not matter if you do not hear His Voice yet, just keep practicing.

If you will faithfully perform these two exercises then the Holy Spirit will clean up your thought life and eventually you will learn to hear God’s Voice. In addition, you may also decide to review your day with God at bed time. These practices invite Father God to become more intimate with you in your life. The Holy Spirit will bring up memories and show you your errors but also show you events where God was there helping you. You will fall more in love with God. You will see things His way and choose of your own free will to agree with God’s view of reality. Your discernment of what is true will be exercised. You will rely solely on the Holy Spirit to inform you what is true and what is not.

Not just for Watchmen, these exercises will prepare you to be glorified when the time comes that God will raise up invincible warriors for Christ.

Altogether, we have learned from this message that Daddy God intends to teach and take care of His children Himself. He intends to reveal knowledge of Himself and what is on His heart for everyone in Earth. The Gospel is just that, good news to every human being that God loves them and wants them to be saved. Everyone who believes in God should ask Him for His Special Helper, the Holy Spirit to come into his life and allow the Spirit to cleanses him of all his wrong thinking. In this manner, he will receive revelations of God’s mysteries.

I love you all,


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I feel like the Church as a whole has de-supernaturalized our faith so much, that when the Holy Spirit tries to speak, many people fail to recognise the Voice.

Thank you for your wise words and openness to His presence.

How to receive revelation from God:
Step 1) Open the Bible.
Step 2) Read.