God with his infinite mercy that he has for us, as the scripture says John 3:16 In this way I love God to the world that I give his only begotten son so that everyone who believes in Him will not be lost anymore has eternal life. He pointed us to a path, opened a door and gave us a gift through a new covenant. That new covenant is called Jesus of Nazareth who, through the living sacrifice of the cross of Calvary, shedding his precious blood and cleansing us of all sin, gave us such a great salvation that we had to make, chosen people, holy nation, great priesthood and his workmanship. . (1 Peter 2: 9-10). It is where we see the fulfillment of the holy scripture where God reveals through the Holy Spirit that the last times through the promised Messiah we spent making loved ones, God from the beginning made a pact with man as Mark Witt's song says He is a God of covenant, He was revealed to Noah when he agreed with him to save his family from a great flood because Noah found grace in the eyes of God, and Jehovah said to Noah, but I will establish my covenant with you and you will enter the ark your , your children, your wife and the women of your children with you (Genesis 6-18). And we realize that God fulfills his covenant and that he is a God of love and justice. Through this covenant that he had with Noah and his children, the blessing continued to establish with Noah the son of Noah from which Patriarch Abraham proceeds, God's promise is still on his feet and this time he makes a covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12: 1-2-3). But Jehovah had said to Abraham: Go away from your land and from your family, and from your father's house, to the land that I will show you. And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will magnify your name, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and those who curse you, and all the families of your land will be blessed in you. He did the same with his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob co-heirs of the same covenant which is fulfilled when Jacob fights with an angel in peniel and declares the angel to Jacob will not be called more your name Jacob but Israel, (Genesis 32:28) the promise of God's covenant with the patriarchs became visible, the Israelite nation (Jewish nation) is born. And that same promise covers the entire world when the word says: Blessed are those who did not see and believe me (John 20:29). We are blessed the blessing encompasses us and only you being part of this covenant of God there is no setback but our salvation is already safe.
God bless you all@hilarymedina