God loves us with his eternal love. We as children who through Jesus are saved and call ourselves children of God when we confess that we love him. Rather, we must know that he first loved us and that being a God creator of heaven and earth the King of Kings and Lord of Lords he humbled himself in order to save us and today I want to talk about humility and who better example than our Master for Excellency Jesus of Nazareth, who humbled himself and suffered regardless of our evil just for love.
What is humility? Sometimes we ask ourselves that question or what is it like to be humble, what should we ask? Well, this is something to explain, many believe that humility is being poor, not having possessions, or that being humble is being silly, and is a total mistake. If we know that when you do not have money or all those material things that everyone would like to have is to be humble, if in some part if it is, but we do not talk about that kind of humility.
We speak of that humility of the Spirit of the heart when, before the presence of Jehovah, we humble ourselves completely, we fall surrendered at his feet without looking to any side, only fully concentrating on his presence and opening completely to take out everything we feel, we think, recognize where we are wrong, where we have failed, true humility is when we undress in the Spiritual before God alone you cry you speak with Him a unique special moment where only you and God are.
God will always be waiting for you to come into his presence and open yourself to Him. Release all of you humble yourself can be on your knees or totally lying on the floor face down as the Jews do so they humble themselves before the Father to speak with him and Have a divine connection.
Remember to always put God first and let him always come to speak because He will always be willing to listen to you when He sees a contrite and humiliated heart that diminishes so that God grows much more in our heart and spirit is how to get him a smile because I train his love and humility towards us, we are his children belong only to Him, and he will take care of us and will always listen.


C S Lewis said that humility isn't thinking less of yourself. It's thinking of yourself less often.
We should remember that without what God has given us, we have absolutely nothing. Not even life. We shouldn't be arrogant because God gave us intelligence and success. But rather we should have gratitude because of it. And a sense that we need to use what God entrusted us for his glory.