God always has a word of life for us, what we must do is be attentive to listen to it and put it into practice. God will bless us greatly if we practice it and if first of all we give with generosity and love.
I want to form in two biblical verses.
Honor Jehovah with your goods, And with the firstfruits of all your fruits. (Proverbs 3: 9)
Bring the tithe in full for the temple funds, and there will be food in my house. Try me on this, ”says the Lord Almighty,“ and see if I do not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out a blessing on you until it overflows (Malachi 3:10)

When we talk about this issue it is necessary to clarify that everything you give to the Father is with a willing heart and with joy that attitude is what God wants to see in us regardless of the amount, so little what he has to give but that is important to you and offering it to God with all your heart is good.
Whether offerings, tithes or firstfruits each one of them is different in this topic I will talk about firstfruits because I like it since it is the first thing we get thanks to the fact that God is always blessing us, giving him the first of our fruit. Just as the verse says, honor God with your goods and firstfruits of your fruits. This will bring you great blessings in abundance is impressive because it is an action that produces an instant reaction.
Like tithes they have a certain relationship since they are promises and with them they are agreed with God can reach agreements (covenants). And with this I want to reflect the story of Jacob son of Isaac, who is on his way to go to his uncle Laban's house, and covenant with God.
(Genesis 28: 18-22)
18 And Jacob arose in the morning, and took the stone that he had set as the head, and lifted it by sign, and poured oil on it.
19 And he called the name of that place Bethel, [a] although Luz [b] was the name of the city first.
20 And Jacob made a vow, saying, If God be with me, and I will keep on this journey that I go, and he gives me bread to eat and clothed to wear,
21 And if I return in peace to my father's house, Jehovah will be my God.
22 And this stone that I have set as a sign shall be the house of God; and of all that you give me, the tithe will set aside for you.

This is a clear biblical example of how it is agreed with God through a tithe or also with the firstfruits. This is something as I said before that he is acting and receiving God fulfills his promises and if we honor him as he deserves it even more because he wants to see in us the disposition that we love him and honor him with everything he has given us and keep giving for that it is like a law of life for our blessings God loves us in spite of who we are.
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You're using Old Testament passages which applied to Israel and not to the church. God promised the Israelites that if they were obedient that no womb would be barren and they wouldn't have the diseases that the Egyptians had. Those promises don't apply to the church although God does reward people who give.