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RE: Shower and plaster the heavens with praises- Steemchurch

in #steemchurch7 years ago

This is a great and wonderful message. The greek word for ‘’sacrifice’’ is thysia, which actually refers to a victim- a killing. Every sacrifice implies death. In the case the victim for the sacrifice is the flesh, or the ego. Praising goes beyond strength, convinces, desire, and comfort. To praise God, we must kill something ungodly within us, such as apathy, pride, selfishness, worry, fear, bad thoughts or anything else that keeps us from wholeheartedly expressing his greatness. Praise is the declaration of the great and powerful works of God. It is expressed by singing, playing musical instrument and giving shouts of joy, as well as by different postures of the body, including clapping, raising the hands and dancing. When we experience difficult periods in our lives- when life seems full of setbacks, financial troubles or sickness we may not have the desire to praise God. And yet, this is precisely the time when God will ask us to present our sacrifice of praise- the fruit of lips that confess his name. From deep worship will come guidance for the future for an individual for the future for an individual, a family, a city or a nation. When you continuously worship the Lord in spirit and in truth you can expect great miracles. thanks for sharing