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RE: Steem Church- God’s plan

in #steemchurch7 years ago

It is important to know that you and I have been made on the image and likeness of God Almighty. And we have been given the plan and assignment to tell others about this great news.
As Jesus instructed his disciples Go unto the world, preach the gospel to every creature and everything that comes into existence must hear when you talk about the words of God. And if you don’t carry out this assignment you are doomed and has failed.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven. Am also aware now that the Holy Spirit is infinitely in us and it's more powerful than than all the forces of wickedness in the world. Therefore we should get passionate about the word of God and share for the foundation of Christ.👍 @afamefuneuche