Prayer is one of the most mentioned practices when someone talks about spirituality. Unfortunately, little is practiced, especially when it comes to the Christian people. What's more, you, do you spend time in prayer. Prayer is not one more discipline of the Christian life. On the contrary, it is the gateway to the Presence of our beloved Maker. It is the path that allows us to meet with Him and to realize what our beloved Savior Jesus Christ taught: "I tell you the truth, all that you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and all that you allow on earth will be allowed in heaven. everything we ask in prayer impacts the heavens, touches the heart of God, and is reflected in our environment. We go to the spiritual dimension to impact the physical, material dimension. Difficult circumstances will come, indeed, are inevitable. However, if in the middle of that desert we are crying out to the Lord and it seems that nothing happens, it is time to check whether there is hidden sin in our lives or if we are only looking for the miracle. When there is a sincere willingness to search, our Father says that it will change the circumstances, in response to our cry. Our life of prayer must necessarily have a new dynamic. And that new dynamic is part of the decision to seek the Lord in all circumstances. We should abide in prayer