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RE: Parable of the mustard seed - Mark 4: 30-34

in #steemchurch7 years ago

The mustard seed are seeds that are in the earth, but after sown, it grows and becomes the largest of all the vegetables, and throws large branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade. the word, according to what they could hear, and without parables he did not speak to them, even though he told his disciples in particular everything. Although the seed is so small, the mustard plant can reach up to about four meters in height with a thick stem like a man's arm. The parable in relation to the Kingdom of God
The essential point of the parable is the contrast between a small beginning and a large result, between the beginning and the end, between the present and the future of the Kingdom.
The seed of the Kingdom planted by Jesus in the field of the world, despite its tiny and derisory beginning, will finally have its own internal vitality, a disproportionate and supernatural growth.So, at the present time, God does not reign manifesting all his power, but on the contrary, his presence in this world, although real and alive, is humble and often hidden. Even their own servants, although they already have within themselves the seed that will produce these extraordinary results, are fragile and weak, exposed to innumerable dangers. Here we can learn several very useful principles that every preacher should take into account:
Jesus accommodated his teaching to the capacity of his audience. There is no virtue in speaking above the heads of the audience. As someone has said: "shooting above the target only shows that you are a bad shooter". The method used by some preachers could make us think that Christ had said: "Feed my giraffes," instead of "feed my sheep." On another occasion he told his disciples: "I still have many things to say to you, but now you can not bear them." In all this God is compassionate to us, not giving us more than we can receive. Thanks for sharing the message about the mustard seed