Just go ahead and praise the Almighty God! Magnify His Holy Name Bless Him! Bless the King of Kings! Bless the Lord of Lords! Bless the I AM that I AM! Bless the Ancient of Days! Magnify the Name of the One who does not change. The One who can make your greatness permanent. Praise Him! He is worthy to be praised! He is worthy to be praised! He is worthy to be magnified! There is no one like Him! He is the King of Kings! He is the Lord of Lords! He is the I AM that I AM! He is the Ancient of Days! Praise Him! Magnify His Holy Name! He reigns supreme! Magnify His Holy Name!! Praise Him now! Worship Him now! Glorify His Holy Name!! There is no one like Him! Please praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him from the bottom of your heart! Tell Him you love Him! Tell Him you appreciate Him. Magnify His Holy Name!! He’s the Alpha and the Omega, He’s the beginning and the ending, the One who was, the One who is, the One who will ever be! He is the Almighty God! He’s the Unchangeable Lord! He is the Redeemer! He is the Physician! Oh yes He’s the miracle-working God! His name is Wonderful! His Name is Counsellor! His name is the Mighty God! He is the Prince of Peace! He is the everlasting Father. He’s the Rock of Ages. He’s the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He’s the I AM that I AM! He’s the Ancient of Days! Glorify His Holy Name!! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him forever! Praise Him with all your strength! Praise Him! Let’s worship Him! Let’s adore Him! Let’s glorify His Holy Name!! Oh yes, He’s a miracle-worker! He’s the only one who can solve all our problems, He’s the only One who can save, There is no other name given among men whereby we might be saved other than the Name of Jesus. Praise Him! Magnify His Holy Name!! Go ahead, Praise Him! He will do marvellous thing in your life if you will just praise Him! He will do marvellous things in your life – praise Him! He will, He will, He will! He will! He will do marvellous things in your life. Praise Him! Praise Him! Magnify His Holy Name!! Magnify His Holy Name!! Praise Him! Praise Him brethren! Praise Him!. Blessed be Your Holy Name! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Let’s just go on our knees before…. before the One at whose name every knee must bow. Oh Thank You Father! .. Angels are singing, you are worthy O Lord…… Thank You Father!