Many Christians have settled for cheap imitations of true worship. Some relegate worship to a particular event or building. Often, worship is considered to be the music in a corporate service that is followed by the preaching. An entire style of music has been labeled "praise and worship" in an attempt to distinguish music from traditional hymns.#steemchurch
While music is an integral part of worshiping God, we should note that Jesus does not mention singing. When the apostle Paul spoke of Christ-honoring worship in Romans 12:1, he challenged believers to become living sacrifices. True worship rejects the strongholds that prevent followers of Christ from responding to God with heart, soul, mind, and strength in loving recognition of God's glory and love.
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Amen is like that, prayer goes beyond a style of music or a part of Sunday worship, it is a lifestyle in which at every moment of the day we can be connected with the heavenly father, that every gesture or fact that let us make it a motive of adoration and enter the heavenly father. Romans 12: 1 explains it very clearly, a living and pleasant sacrifice.