No More Worry And Anxiety

in #steemchurch6 years ago

The word worry signifies 'to be torn in two.' And that is precisely what anxiety does—it shreds us. Our bodies may respectfully go one way, however our psyches are elsewhere. The outcome is that we live with strain; we can't rest and we can't appreciate the present minute. Worry makes us neutralize ourselves and impedes our partnership with God.
We are constantly worrying about so many things;

Money/paying bills
Health etc, the list is endless.

We worry so much ,sleep evades us. In luke 10, Jesus visited Mary and Martha and while mary was listening to jesus, Martha was busy with chores,then martha came and complained to Jesus because she started to worry.

Luke 10 Vs 40
she came up to him and said lord do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone, then tell her to help me
The lord answered and said to her Martha you are worried and bothered about so many things buy only one thing is necessary, for mary has choosen the good part which shall not be taken from her


When we are overcome with worry, we've forgotten the one thing "listening to jesus"
We often put our trust in other things and if they don't work out the way we want them to, we start to worry ,we become afraid and agitated,its because we are so focused on our agenda and we've lost control , the problem is not losing control but we forgetting that we were never meant to be in control.

In john 14:1
Jesus said do not let your heart be troubled believe in God, believe also in me ,when we hand control over to the lord, let his plans be accomplished in your life because he knows whats best for you

When you put your trust in God ,he will take care of you even when you can't take care of yourself .

Psalms 127:26 says
for he gives to his beloved, even in his sleep

Don't you wish that you could turn off worry and say, from 8:00 pm to 10pm at that point turn it off and get a decent night's sleep, in any case, we can't keep worry from coming back to our minds. We have no control or so we think.

When addressing His disciples, Jesus gave us three reasons why we ought not worry, and afterward three reasons why we don't need to worry.

  • To begin with, He says that we ought not worry in view of our identity.

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
Matt. 6:26.

If He deals with the birds, will He not deal with us? Try not to miss Jesus' point: when we worry, we decrease our esteem!

  • Second, we ought not worry since it is futile.

"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life"
Matt 6:27

Worry resembles putting on the brakes and venturing on the gas all the while. It would be justified, despite all the trouble if it added to the length of our life; however indeed, it may reduce it.

  • Third, we ought not worry as a result of our declaration.

"For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things."
Matt 6:32

When we worry we act like the pagans who don't have a clue about the Heavenly Father. Two individuals get tumor, one is a Christian, the other isn't. How shocking if the Christian acknowledges his fate is no better to that of the pagan! you have to own your identity as a Christian, no matter the situation proclaim your miracles!!

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  • How would we conquer worry or anxiety?
    Three words in this story will encourage us. First, there is the word, Father. We think that its more difficult to confide in our Heavenly Father than our natural father, in light of the fact that our Heavenly Father is the author of your relationship with your earthly father!
    Your earthly father protects, guide you physically and our Heavenly Father does not. Does that imply that He loves us less?

No, our Heavenly Father loves us with an immaculate love. In any case, He will enable us to encounter misfortune and torment for a more prominent, greater good. If you don't mind trust me when I say that your Heavenly Father is dependable. He loves you and will make you proud!

The second word is faith. "O you of little faith," Jesus said. Our faith must be produced; we should trust that God isn't just ground-breaking, however great. Faith is worked through a comprehension of God's guarantees.

Lastly, the last word is first.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Matt 6:33

Worry helps us to remember each one of those things that we have not yet given to God; or we could state that our stresses point to those things that we have put in front of God.

By entrusting ourselves to our Heavenly Father, we never again must be 'torn in two' by the occasions of life. They have been exchanged from our hands to His, and with that, we can be content.
He doesn't want us to worry, rather we should seek the kingdom of God first, he can handle your problems, don't worry!!

Isaiah 40:31
yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength, they will mount up with wings like Eagles, they will run and not get tired. They will work and not weary

All Bible verses gotten from Biblegateway
Reference page
Thanks for reading!!
God bless you!!


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