in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

The embodiment of worship is spiritual reality. Exhibit your bodies, brothers and sisters, "which is your
Spiritual worship," or your reasonable administration.
Paul says that living sacrificially for the Lord's purpose, for the expansion of his kingdom, for the benefit of other individuals, is the main reason , insightful, astute approach to live.
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The spiritual worship of showing our bodies to God as instruments of righteousness implies that the greater part of our bodies are influenced physically;

  • Our feet walk reliably in his ways. Our mouths come clean, discussing the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ.
  • Our hands play out an assortment of errands in serving people: cooking, cleaning, driving, repairing, writing.
  • Our arms grasp hurting individuals who are in need of love, for Jesus' sake.
  • Our ears listen to the anguish of hurting individuals.
  • Our eyes center around the merciful, loving God who is changing us, and can affect the lives of individuals we cherish.

None of this action is driven by religious obligation or worry about religious appearances. Since it is controlled and coordinated by God's Holy Spirit, according to the missionary Paul keeping in touch with the Colossians when he says that

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,"
Colossians 3:23

In Romans 12:1
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.'
This verse makes critical inquiries:

  • Do I put myself availaible to God at his disposal? His adoring want is to control the greater part of my life constantly.
  • Do I keep down as far as my energy, my material assets, or my time?
  • Am I just presenting a piece of myself to him on a reliable premise?
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As a general rule, his sacrificial love appeals to us to be sold out to him, and if we keep down on the sacrifice of ourselves, at that point we are constrained in our effectiveness as an instrument of righteousness. That is the purpose of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

If we claim to be Christians we don't have belong to ourselves however but to Jesus. He requests that we give him back what is legitimately his.
What is pleasing to God is a life which is absolutely his, a life that is mixed with the life of his Son, the Lord Jesus. We are worthy through the cross of Jesus Christ. We are not perfected yet, but rather we are all the while. In all actuality we have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and in spite of the fact that we are not yet perfect it doesn't make us any less pleasing to the Lord. We are in a magnificent, continuous procedure of sanctification, being changed by the Holy Spirit.

In Hebrews 13:21
"equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

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God calls us to introduce ourselves to him, yet he says "I will take you, I will prepare you, I will prepare you, I will make you absolutely sufficient to experience the kind of life I want you to live. I am focused on doing that." He is as of now at work achieving what is pleasing in his sight. We are worthy to him at this moment, and he will keep on working in us as we respect him on a continuous premise.

The goal of our life of worship
"What is the goal of carrying on with this lifestyle of worship?" The goal is moral and ethical change.
Try not to be conformed to this world however be changed by the renewal of your brain, that you may demonstrate what is the will of God, what is great and satisfactory and perfect.

God's arrangement for us to live as change agents in this world is a decent one. We are to live as lights, living worshipfully, sacrificially, for the benefit of those around us. All the while, God transforms us, develops us, and changes us. He makes us progressively entire individuals,
individuals who are ethically integrated.


Worship is a way of seeing the world in the light of God
This post was worth reading
Thanks for sharing



Worship is also a way of connecting wirelessly to God in praise and also in prayer @steemchurch

Thanks @steemchurch am glad i could contribute to the word of God!

Very informative one from you. I have been reading quite a number of posts on worship lately. Seems there is a need for many of us to improve our worship patterns. I would suggest you use blockquotes when quoting many scriptures, it makes your writeup looks more organised that way.

(Self-upvoted for visibility)

Look again apostle,lol! Tnks for your contribution.

A good read on the topic of worship. We ought to worship God in spirit and in truth and not just with our lips.

Adding to what @jaff8 has said, i would encourage you to checkout the markdown styling guide to learn a few ways to format your posts better. You could also checkout this post to also learn other ways to format your posts too. This should help you align your images with your texts properly in order to make the work look nice.
Thank you for coming around to the steem church today. Have a great week ahead.


Praise and Worship moves God to perform more astonishing miracles in our lives, it is our duty as christians to Worship God fervently.

Lets make our duty more efficient, tnks!

Worshipping God is another way of appreciating him in what has being done in your life and also thanking him, worshipping God can also be in form of prayer and it may be seen as an easy way to pray... it can be done in any form even in songs, poetry, spoken words or even speech or characters you exhibit to one another.


When we worship him we tend to attract his blessings because true worship of God is the desire to continue to build up our knowledge of God.

Living sacrificially for God and others is an insightful astute aproach to living

Romans 12 verse 1

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.'

Worship changes us morally ans ethically, the benefit of worship God can't be over emphasized.

Worshipping is living sacrificially in the way of the Lord.

A Blessed Sunday To You.


And to you too @druids, your contribution is appreciated

That is the only way we can make connections with God, nice post @jedaijudith

Worshipping God is submitting yourself in fullness and in joy to his holy name!

Nice addition

The bible lets us understand that those who want to worship the Lord should worship him in spirit and in truth so believers and worshippers in his sanctuary should endeavor that our worship of the Lord should be done with the right sense of it.

So that we do not offend the Lord when trying to praise or glorify his name

Thanks for this @jediajudith

You are most welcome @xinese, tnks for your contribution!

Thanks for this. It is a joyous thing to be in the presence of the lord and give him praise.
Even more, to do it right.

It is indeed a fullness of joy!!

Worshipping God is an essential thing in our lives. It brings us closer to God.

Yes @dyz7 and we must strive to keep our relationship, close to God!

What a good post to start the morning..
It is of utmost concern that we have forgotten how worship is well regarded by God. It's uplifts the soul with joy and get a you spiritually fed. Let us lift our voices and worship God I every ramifications. I really appreciate this post.. Will be expecting more reminder to get us reminiscing about his awesomeness.

Thanks @benlegend may our day also end in praises from the joy of the lord!

It s the fact that we as christians. Should worship him with our whole heart, because he is a jealous God. So I endure all christians to worship him in truth and in spirit.

Your contribution is appreciated!

Worship is only the food which the almighty eats is very important we give it to him,we have no reason to remain alive on earth if we dont worship him because that is the main reason for our creation this is a nice worship writeup from you @jedaijudith

Thanks for your addition, it is most appreciated!!

God loves worship. A great prove of it is that God created angels to worship him. Great post@jedaijudith

Tnks @barryblessed, we should endwavor to be true worshippers of christ

The only thing that God requires from many is to worship Him,worship is like a channel christians are able to reached God. Thanks for such a great insight

Your contribution is always well spoken @ bigssam thank you

The essence of worship if for praising God and allowing us to receive more from him. As a Christian, we must learn the act of true worship and not just eye service worship

You are very correct @ladywayne,tnk you

This indeed has blessed me.
The worship of God is born out of the revelation of the beauty of who God is. A revelation of his love, grace and holiness.
The book of Revelation showed us how that the twenty four elders would born down to worship when a revelation of whom God is or the Lord Jesus is.

Adoration is an external attitude of an inner condition of the heart. Those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as our only and sufficient savior experience this sublime fact "Adoration". Christ, the life-giving Spirit, has reconciled us with God, these are those who worship him in spirit and in truth and what God seeks, so we have access to him 24 hours a day, not just days of meetings.
Many blessings!
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