Elohim or Elohim is the Hebrew word that is translated by God and found in the first sentence of the Bible. When we pray to Elohim, we remember that it is he who started everything, creating the heavens and the earth and separating the light from the darkness, the water from the firm ground, the night of the day.
This ancient name for God contains the idea of God's creative power as well as its authority and sovereignty. Jesus used a modality of the name in the prayer he pronounced when he died on the cross: "About three o'clock in the afternoon, Jesus cried out loudly:" Eli, Eli, lama sabactani "(which means:" My God, my God, Why have you forsaken me? ")» (Matthew 27:46).
Key biblical passage:
God, in the beginning, created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1: 1)
God reveals his name in the Scriptures
God, in the beginning, created the heavens and the earth. The earth was total chaos, the darkness covered the abyss, and the Spirit of God came and went on the surface of the waters. And God said: "Let there be light!" And light came into being. God considered the light to be good and separated it from the darkness. In the light he called it "day," and in the darkness, "night." And the night came, and the morning came; That was the first day.
And God said: "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let them be separated!" To the firmament God called it "heaven."
And God said: "Let the waters under heaven meet in one place, and let the dry appear!" In the dry God called "land", and the set of waters called it "sea".
And God said: «Let there be vegetation on the earth; May it produce herbs that give seed, and trees that bear their fruit with seed, all according to their species! "
And God said: "Let there be lights in the firmament that separate the day from the night!"
And God said: "Let the waters overflow with living creatures, and let the birds fly on the earth throughout the firmament!"
And God said: "Let the earth produce living creatures: domestic animals, wild animals, and reptiles, according to their species!"
And he said: «Let us make the human being in our image and likeness. Let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky; on domestic animals, on wild animals, and on all the reptiles that crawl on the ground ».
And God created the human being in his image; He created it in the image of God.
Man and woman created them, and blessed them with these words: "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; dominate the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky, and all the reptiles that crawl on the ground ». God looked at everything he had done, and considered it very good. (Taken from Genesis 1)
Let's understand the name
Elojim is the plural of El o Eloah, one of the oldest denominations for the divinity in the world. The Hebrews took the term The of the Canaanites.
It can refer to both the true God and pagan gods. It is used more than 200 times in the Hebrew Bible, Elojim is used more than 2,500 times. Its plural form is used not to indicate the belief in many gods but to emphasize the majesty of the one true God.
He is the God of gods, the greatest of all. Christians can also recognize in this plural form an insinuation of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Elohim is found 32 times in the first chapter of Genesis. After this, there is also the name Yahweh that often accompanies Elohim and, in the NIV, the two names together are translated as "the Lord God."
Let's study the name
"Genesis" is a word that can mean "birth", "history of origin" or "genealogy". What can be observed about who God is from this passage about the beginnings?
What can you observe about the world he has made?
God gave human beings dominion over the earth. How could I give honor to the Creator in his stewardship of the earth?
In what ways do you enjoy and benefit from creation on a daily basis?
As God made us in his image, he has infused us with creative power. What are your creative gifts?
God seems pleased with what he has done, affirming that he is good and even very good. How does this appreciation of God's creation shape his attitude towards the world? Toward yourself?
What do you think it means to be created in the "image of God"? How would he change his life if he lived with a constant awareness that he created him to be his image?
God's power is inherent in His nature. All power has always been His and will continue to be His for all eternity. Any power that we have is given to us by God.
Because God is all-powerful, He has the ability and strength to do whatever He pleases. His power is not restrained or inhibited by any of His created beings. People and nations are powerless when confronted by His might.
I trust that on the off chance that we are mitigated in the picture of God we ought to approach increasingly for a change and try to take after and turn out to be more similar to Christ.
The word heb. most every now and again utilized for God (in excess of 2,500 times in the OT). Elohim is plural in shape yet solitary in development (utilized with a particular verb or descriptive word). At the point when connected to the one genuine God, the plural is because of the maxim heb. of a plural of size or magnificence (Gen 1: 1).
The word heb. most frequently used for God (more than 2,500 times in the OT). Elohim is plural in form but singular in construction (used with a singular verb or adjective). When applied to the one true God, the plural is due to the idiom heb. of a plural of magnitude or majesty (Gen 1: 1). When used with reference to pagan gods (Gen 35: 2, Exo 18:11, Exo 20: 3, Jos 24:20) or angels (Job 1: 6, Psa 8: 5, Psa 97: 9) or judges ( Exo 21: 6; 1Sa 2:25) as representatives of God, Elohim is plural in sense as well as in form. The most probable roots mean either being strong or being in front, reflecting the power and preeminence of God. Jesus used a form of the name on the cross (Mat 27:46, Mar 15:34). See ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACTANI.
The fact that the word Elohim is in plural form does not necessarily mean that it is about several people or a set of personalities. This we see in the case of Moshe who was no more than a person, but he obtained the charge of being Elohim before the king of Egypt. The term Elohim has to do with authority in abundance and a set of powers to be able to affirm his will. Elohim gathers in itself all the infinite and eternal forces. In other words Elohim could be translated as "maximum ruler" and "supreme judge". Therefore the Elohim attribute is intimately connected with justice.
I believe that if we are relieved in the image of God we should ask more and more for a transformation and seek to follow and become more like Christ.
God is a very wonderful and mighty God.
He is a powerful and mighty creator, for he created the heavens and the earth and made no mistake.
He is the all sufficient God.
Well taught lesson..... thanks for sharing this post with the steemchurch my friend
God the creator of the heavens and earth is all powerful. The one who is seated in heaven and His footstool on earth, I'm proud to be the servant of Elohim.
Elohim all powerful ,incomparable, the creator and all knowing.It is really great to have Him on your side
The God that created all and was not created by any. He is the God of gods, the King of kings.
He existed before the creation of all things and He created all things, after the end of the whole thing, He will still remain the Almighty God that cannot be compare to anything.
word minimal utilized, yet how great to recall and read your work advises us that we should never give it a chance to cruise by, thank you for recollecting and sharing so important data
Educational article about the name of God.
One of the names we can call Him that truly discusses what He does.
Thanks for sharing this with us, it is true that God is all powerful and is to be feared and revered
Informative article about the name of God.
One of the names we can call Him that really speaks of what He does.
Thanks for shedding light on this awesomeness pf God
God through his power made us on his own image and give us wisdom to know whatbis right and what is wrong.
He who have Christ in His life will never lack anything and his life will always be filled with Gods blessing and the enemy will not find your face.
Committing our selves onto the lord is very important because for everybody who has given his or her life to him would always be controlled by his will and powers .
God created us and put a unique thing in our life.
He has plan for us wheather in a good or bad situation .
He made a real time design for us all .
His blessings are only for those who truely believe in him and do his will and that are the people who he will always have reserve for .
For the great thing he made is always perfect and fits we all that trust in him .
Gods plan is the best never make your own decision without consulting the living God.
This is a fact :
Thanks for sharing
No power can be compare unto the power of God.
Elohim.. the powerful, great, God Almighty, He is greater than the greatest. No one can be compare unto Him
God is the all-powerful creator of the universe and the all-embracing healer of the individual creature. Like a loving mother, God bandages our skinned knees, healing broken hearts and wiping away tears. Yet this same tender LORD is the master of all creation, who calls the stars by name. In linking God’s creative and redemptive love simultaneously to each living creature and to the infinite universe, the psalmist anticipates a truth that contemporary science reveals.
There are so many beautiful and meaningful names that have been given to our Lord over the centuries. Take, for instance, Elohim The All- Powerful One Creator . Could any name better describe God? Yes..........but i love it when God is referred to as elohim.
word little used, but how good to remember and read your work reminds us that we should never let it pass by, thank you for remembering and sharing so valuable information
Splendid way to let us know the various names of God.
Thanks for sharing.
Elohim all powerful ,incomparable, the creator and all knowing.It is really great to have Him on your side