SteemChurch: Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Justice.

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Many people have priorities in their lives, which are full of activities that take them to day to day, if you have other priorities before God, today I want to share this word and I know, that it will be a blessing for your life and so you can receive what that the Lord has reserved for you, just believing and doing what in Matthew 6:33 speaks to us.

On this occasion, I would like to briefly discuss the priorities of life, that is, the order of precedence of one thing over another.


It is impossible to live without an established scale of priorities.
No one can do 10 physical tasks at a time, you must establish an order to be able to carry them out in a satisfactory manner. Even the same nature in certain tasks establishes an order that must be executed, such as the movement of plants, the life cycle of living beings, the functioning of many vital organs in our body, among others.

But the main reason why we can not live without priorities in our life is because the God who created us is a God of order. The God who made the heavens and the earth, and everything in it is so powerful that He could have done everything when He exists with just a word from His mouth and all at the same time, but He just did not want to do it that way, but rather established an order for the creation of all things. How is it in:

(Genesis 1: 1-2)

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was untidy and empty, the darkness was on the face of the abyss and the spirit of God moved on the face of the waters. "

The God we are presenting to you, whom we serve and worship, teaches in his Word (1 Corinthians 14:40) "But let all things be done decently and with order". that takes pleasure in the decency and the order and is put us of model so that we imitate to him.

Take advantage of the occasions when some elaborate or revise plans.
Secondly, we consider it important to address the issue of priorities in life because there are moments that we think it is appropriate to make plans or revise those that we have done previously. Many of us take advantage of the end of the year time to analyze what the development of the same was, and from there to establish new goals and objectives. Also, it is common for those who make plans at the end of the year or at any other time to stop every three, four or six months to review the execution of the planned in order to look at its proper compliance.

It is important to emphasize that all planning implicitly and necessarily leads to the establishment of priorities, because if this is not done it will be impossible to put the plan into practice, because as we saw in the first reason, it is impossible to live without established priorities.


The model of priorities that Christ left for his disciples to live correctly so that you consider it if you really want to live what the Word of God defines as the true life. What is according to the Lord Jesus Christ the main priority of the children of God? Matthew 6:33 gives us the explanation: seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Matthew 6:33 a promise for those who believe.
This declaration of the Lord Jesus Christ is part of one of the longest and most famous teachings known as The Sermon on the Mount that begins in chapter 5 of the Gospel of Matthew and concludes in chapter 7, and becomes the conclusion of the theme that begins try in chapter 6 verse 19. It is therefore important that we see what things Christ is talking about and then conclude with verse 33. In verses 19 to 21 he talks about making treasures.

(Matthew 6: 19-21) "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves enter and steal; 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. "

Christ does not prohibit making treasures but rather changes the focus of where those treasures should be made, in heaven and not on earth and the reasons given to do so let us see their great wisdom, because what they do here in the earth has a lot of risks, because they are corrupted and can be stolen, but it is not like that with the treasures that are made in heaven. But note also a very important principle expressed here, where you have your treasures, that is where you will really have your heart.

Jesus teaches us that the treasures for which we must work are those of the kingdom of God, since these are treasures that endure for eternity, and that doing them on earth guarantees our eternal life after physical death. Not only after death but here and now, that you put the priority of the kingdom of God and fight to lower the designs that He has established in the heavens for your life.

Matthew 6:33 Seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness
Here is the key to having a victorious life in Christ and being totally free from worries. But how many of us really understand what this means? What did Jesus want to say to us with this? How do we apply it? To understand Matthew 6:33 we must also study its context.

Matthew 6: 25-27 "Therefore I say to you: Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, what you have to wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the sky, which sow us, neither reap, nor gather into barns; and, nevertheless, your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than them?

We can find an introduction to this promise of the Lord when Jesus exhorts us not to worry about material needs such as food, shelter and other basic needs. The way he describes these needs Jesus includes every possible need that the human being can have and not only the material ones. He even contrasts us with his other creations that are of lesser value and importance than us (example: plants and animals).

Here Jesus tells us that if He provides everything He needs to creations that are less than us that are His ultimate creation made in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26), in Matthew 6 He comforts us by telling us that He knows of what things we need before we say it and even before we realize it ourselves, because He is omniscient. How can we not meet all our needs much more abundantly than the rest of creation? And if we know that God himself created us and the entire universe, we also know that He is more than enough to supply everything we need.

In Romans 8:32 he confirms that He will give us all things when the apostle Paul says: "He who spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how can he not also give us all things with him ? " So if our Heavenly Father gave us the greatest, most important and most valuable thing in the universe, why would He also spare us other things? We are so important to God that He gave the life of His beloved son, Jesus Christ, so that we may have abundant life and nothing will be lacking.

We can also understand that Jesus invites us to depend totally on Him for all things and put all trust in Him; knowing that He always wants and can work in our favor. In Psalm 37 we find a promise that affirms Matthew 6:33 (Psalm 37: 5) "Commit your way to Jehovah, and trust in him; and he will do. And in verse 34 he tells us "Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the earth").

Clearly we see that God demands total dependence and trust in Him, this is the only way that those of us who serve God can have victory and have a successful life in both spiritual and secular matters. In this way we can live free of all concern in faith knowing that the Lord will provide all things.

In Matthew 6:33 Jesus shows us how to achieve this promise of blessing by telling us that we must fulfill two conditions so that we can see the fulfillment of "all these things will be added to you". These are seek first the kingdom of God and second seek their justice. First he tells us to look for what requires an effort on our part and we know that everyone who seeks finds, as he says in (Matthew 7: 8) "For everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to the one who calls, it will be opened to him. " If you ask the Lord to show you his kingdom and his justice and you are really looking for him He will bring it to you.

Meaning of the kingdom of God and its justice
Meaning of the kingdom of God
The Kingdom is a king taking dominion over a territory. Heaven was never made for man to live in it. The sky was made to bring it to the earth, from the beginning; God exported his kingdom to earth with Adam and told him to dominate the world.

This is the gospel of the Kingdom, a king bringing dominion over a territory. Plato said that there are different types of government. One is the monarchy, which is a king or good man ruling over a territory; then it is the aristocracy that is a lot of good men ruling over a territory. There is the oligarchy, where several bad men govern a territory; and fourth, the lowest form of government is Democracy. Democracy came from Greece and Rome, in which a man is elected to be an authority. Citizens decide who will govern them, like us. It is the people all governing through the vote. In our countries we understand democracy well but we do not understand the Kingdom.


When we come to church we ask for rights, that's why there are so many demands. In a democracy, one enters into authority through voting. In heaven there is no democracy, there is through the lineage; you are born to govern, to be a king within the kingdom you have to be born again and that gives you entrance. I did not vote to be put into the kingdom, you were born or they gave birth to you within that kingdom. I added one more form of government that is the Anarchy that is self government; each one governs and does not submit to any other government. All these forms of government exist on earth and we understand them.

When we come to church we want the same thing, to promote ourselves, to give us the place we "deserve". We do not believe that there is a King who has authority; and tyranny is when an evil man is ruling by force, fear and oppression.

(Isaiah 53: 6) "We all went astray like sheep, each one went his way; but the LORD laid on him the sin of us all. "

Man was never created either to govern himself alone or to do what he wants. That is what brought Adam out of Eden, the independence of God's government.

Meaning of his justice

Justice is one of the manifestations of God himself. God is fair; justice is latent in our lives, and although we are justified and considered righteous before God by his grace, we do not enjoy the benefits of justice until God establishes it over our lives. Contrary to iniquity, in which injustice, curse, grievance, calamity, diseases, etc are recorded; Justice is established on a life, all the benefits of the Kingdom of God come upon this person. This is why many believers read God's impressive promises about the righteous, but the truth is that few enjoy them fully.

The reason is that, "positionally" they are made right before God, but Justice has not yet been established upon them here on earth. When I speak of establishing, I mean, that something is ceaselessly grounded on a life. This means that the celestial truth becomes terrestrially visible, palpable on a person or on a people. Jesus said, that in nothing we were busy, neither for what we have to eat, nor for what we have to drink or to dress, before all these things are added to us if we look for the Kingdom of God and Its Justice. What Jesus is saying is that when the Throne of God is truthfully and effectively grounded in the heart of man, everything that belongs to the Kingdom of God is drawn to that Throne.

Now, the conflict is that, just as love does not stop loving, Justice inevitably judges. The purpose of Justice is to align all things to the designs of God. On the one hand, it establishes the kingdom of God and its government on earth and, on the other hand, sentences what opposes it.

Is the judgment bad or undesirable?
The problem with which we find ourselves is that the word ..Juicio "we prefer to erase it from our bibles. For reasons of fear and religiosity, a bad and terrible understanding has been created about this word, avoiding it at all costs. One of the greatest offenses that someone can tell a Christian who is in tribulation is: "This is a judgment of God on your life."

We seek all super spiritual reasons to justify what happens to us. Everything is better than accepting the word judgment. This second foundation of the Throne of God has become a horrible word that labels the Christian as "bad" or "undesirable", the one who left the "perfect sanctity" in which the whole Church walks without exception (as many ironically believe) . Now he has become the one indicated by the destructive wrath of God; and of course someone from whom we have to take care of ourselves because he surely has something hidden that was what attracted him to this terrible "Judgment".


Nothing is more false and less understood than the paragraph I just mentioned. The Judgment of God is a divine foundation and being precisely one of the foundations of his throne, is related to the most impressive design of government in the Kingdom of God.
God is good and everything that is and surrounds his Throne is exalted and wonderful. There is nothing horrible in Heaven and less the foundation of his government. So, I ask you to put aside all previous concept of this word and open your spirit to something glorious that God wants to do in our lives.

This biblical passage Matthew 6:33 "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. It is a principle of kingdom and one of the promises that Jesus establishes in his word so that everyone who serves him may practice and experience the most amazing revelations that Christ brings to those who move under his will and his Kingdom.



As a believer in the Lord and his promises of life and life in abundance, we have the responsibility to do justice and we do that justice by giving grace that we receive by grace. Recognize that we do not own anything, but only administrators of the things that God puts in our hands, to help our neighbor and to preach the word by testimony and for testimony.

How to seek the kingdom of God and its justice: Firstly confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then live in holiness, that is separated from sin and work what is just, share that justice of the kingdom with your neighbor, help all As you can, preach his word and let the world know who God is.

In the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus explains the value of having "treasures in heaven," i.e. doing and concerning oneself with spiritual and eternal things, and then moves on to admonitions not to worry about earthly things. In tying these two topics together, Jesus makes the oft-repeated statement: "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).

What is the kingdom of God in the first place? It is an entity with both spiritual and physical manifestations, depending on the period of history, which indicates God's special rule through Jesus Christ. This kingdom was first established during Jesus' earthly life and continues still at a spiritual level made up of those who believe in Him for their salvation. After the tribulation, Jesus will reign for 1,000 years, a period called the Millenium, which fulfills promises made to Israel and Jesus for an earthly reign of Messiah – the physical kingdom of God.

With the meaning of the kingdom established, how does one "seek" it? When the context is taken into consideration, Matthew 6:33 appears to act as an intersection of the two previous topics, suggesting that if you concern yourself with spiritual things (seek the kingdom of God), the earthly concerns will "be added unto you" (essentially, provided for). To seek the kingdom of God is to intentionally focus on and fully experience relationship with God, usually through avenues He has provided such as prayer and meditating on His word. Seeking the kingdom of God does not stop there, however; it also includes sharing the fruit of relationship with God with others through things like evangelism, practical giving, and expressing love to others through whatever means God has specially gifted you or directed you.

This is a great message. It is impossible to live without an established scale of priorities.
No one can do 10 physical tasks at a time, you must establish an order to be able to carry them out in a satisfactory manner. Even the same nature in certain tasks establishes an order that must be executed, such as the movement of plants, the life cycle of living beings, the functioning of many vital organs in our body, among others. But the main reason why we can not live without priorities in our life is because the God who created us is a God of order. The God who made the heavens and the earth, and everything in it is so powerful that He could have done everything when He exists with just a word from His mouth and all at the same time, but He just did not want to do it that way, but rather established an order for the creation of all things. Nothing is more false and less understood than the paragraph I just mentioned. The Judgment of God is a divine foundation and being precisely one of the foundations of his throne, is related to the most impressive design of government in the Kingdom of God. God is good and everything that is and surrounds his Throne is exalted and wonderful. There is nothing horrible in Heaven and less the foundation of his government. So, I ask you to put aside all previous concept of this word and open your spirit to something glorious that God wants to do in our lives. Thanks for sharing

Excellent teaching @jenniferbrito God must be our priority after the whole

As an adherent to the Lord and his guarantees of life and life in wealth, we have the duty to do equity and we do that equity by giving elegance that we get by effortlessness. Perceive that we don't claim anything, however just heads of the things that God puts in our grasp, to help our neighbor and to lecture the word by declaration and for declaration. Step by step instructions to look for the kingdom of God and its equity: Firstly admit Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, at that point live in blessedness, that is isolated from transgression and work what is simply, share that equity of the kingdom with your neighbor, enable all As you to can, lecture his statement and let the world know who God is.Excellent showing @jenniferbrito God must be our need after the entirety