Normally we do not like to be touched by money issues in the church, we see them complicated by the strengths created in the world, normally we do not see them well and we do not like them, but we must understand that this happens because we are not fulfilling what God establishes in His Word.
When we comply with what God establishes, we do not have a problem with what is said, there is no problem that we are told about resources because being well with God will not affect what the Word says, but we will enjoy it. because we are doing what we should do.
It is like when a person is living in sin and is spoken from the pulpit in relation to that sin specifically, the person feels uncomfortable, feels bad and feels that the preaching was because someone went to tell the pastor that he was in that sin, and believes that the word was prepared for him, but the word of God is prepared to go to all, to feed us all, and to strengthen us all.
Let's read the Word of God in 2 Corinthians 9: 5-8 "Therefore, I felt it necessary to exhort the brothers to come first to you and prepare your generosity first promised, so that it is ready as generosity, and not as a requirement our. But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly; and he who sows generously will also reap generously. Each one give as he proposed in his heart: not with sadness, nor out of necessity, because God loves the cheerful giver ".
When God blesses us, he gives us in abundance and we receive a lot. How much do we have to give to God? We continue to give him the tithe; In order to receive the fullness of blessings, at least once a year we need to remember the economic commitments we have with God, and if we talk about a meeting regarding money nobody should be uncomfortable but everyone should feel good.
In the Word of God we find three important things in relation to money, the first is the tithes, and the Lord says: All tithes must be consecrated to God, because to Him they belong, that is, the tithe is not something that belong to us, and that we must have clear, when we are paid, what we receive, there is a part that belongs to God, it is not ours, that is already from God.
God thus establishes it, even as he saw that the people did not keep his word, he said: "Will man rob God? Well, you have stolen me. And you said: What have we stolen from you? In your tithes and offerings "Malachi 3: 8; We also often intend to give the tithe but we do not give it full for some reason, and this is what Malachi also speaks, because if I have to give him ten and I do not give him anything, or give him less, I am stealing, tithing is what God demands and is not yours.
When I give the tithe to the Lord, He rebukes and casts out the devourer so that you do not waste my resources; I can not pray and hold the devourer so that you do not waste my resources because it is something that God does personally as he promises in the Word; while with the offering I am sowing to have more resources, it is a sowing, and if I sow a quantity, I will be able to harvest in that amount, "this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully will also reap generously "2 Corinthians 9: 6.
The offering is the second, I have to offer, and if not offering because tithe, the Lord says that I am stealing, and the offering is something that comes from my heart to worship God; I have to offer what I want, there is not a quantity but what I consider in my heart according to my resources, there is no limit.
We said that we have to offer according to the will of God, who also gives the first fruits, although we are not accustomed to give, rather we are accustomed to receive, so we have to analyze what we give so as not to give what It does not work for us, or what we have left over.
Many times we think: If I give, I run out, then I better not give; I have so many expenses that I can not give, I can not give; and so we get into a circle where we are declaring and manifesting misery, we are declaring poverty and necessity, and we manifest it to God.
Why am I going to offer it to God? It's a lot giving the first fruits, better I give nothing but the tithe, and when I can ..., even knowing that the Word teaches us that when we give, we will receive, that if we sow We are going to harvest, but if we do not sow, we will never have a harvest, it is a natural law.
Symbolically, before coming to the Lord we lived in Egypt, we lived in sin, we lived as established by the enemy, that was our condition; but when we accept Christ, we receive him in our hearts, we repent of our sins, and we begin to walk in the will of God, we are spiritually removed from the land of servitude, and we are taken to the promised land.
To a land of blessing, a land in which there is prosperity, there is blessing, there is well-being, there is health, it is a different land from the one we lived; and if you continue living in the same conditions today as before receiving Christ, then there are problems and you have to see why things are like that.
Your condition today must be better, it must be different than what you had before, if it is the same or worse is because you are not doing what God establishes, something is failing and you have to review it to find what you are doing wrong, what are you failing , so that you can be blessed and prospered.
What does the Lord mean by this? That you must trust that what you are giving to God, because it is something that you already have in your hand and that you know that the blessing will continue throughout life as long as you continue to do and give what God sends you; is the conviction that we have, that God will prosper us, will multiply our assets, then "give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's" Luke 20:25.
God sanctifies what we give, and by sanctifying what we give is sanctifying all that will come; If I bring my tithes, offerings, and firstfruits, God sanctifies them and all the harvest that I will receive is sanctified and what I am already receiving as a blessing in advance, to give to God what is of God is to say to him: I know that your hand You will be with me because you have already sanctified everything that I am going to receive, and I thank you for everything.
Many times the lack of knowledge in relation to money, in other cases the lack of conscience, or ignorance of the subject, means that we do not have the blessing and prosperity that we should have in our lives as children of God.
I have to present God the best of me, and that is why we must have a change in our heart, that is why we have to have changes in our life, we have to take away the works of the flesh, because if we do not, What would we come to present to God when we come to worship him, when we raise our hands ?; It would be like saying: Lord, I adore you with all my heart, with my heart full of alcoholism, adultery, drugs, resentment, arrogance, lack of forgiveness; With my heart full of lies, full of discord ... Do you think that this offering would be received by the Lord?
God, when we bring something to you, first look at our heart "because God loves a cheerful giver" 2 Corinthians 9: 7, so I have to come with a transformed heart, where there are fruits of the Spirit so that when I raise my hands and worship God, I am saying to you: Lord, look at my heart, I adore you with all my heart because I have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance, because now I walk like Christ, I adore you with these thoughts that are those of your Son.
Notice that the Scripture does not say that Cain had chosen the best, that means he took something, maybe even a lot, but he did not select it, and that offering brought it to God and said: Here it is, but God saw the heart and said : I can not take this offering, it is not pleasant because it does not comply with the established, it was not prepared, it was not the best, and God does not want us to present ourselves and raise offerings, firstfruits and tithes before Him so that, yes, it has to come out of our heart as the best, convinced that this is the best.
Let us pray: Blessed God and Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we thank you for your Word, because as well as you guide us in other areas, you also guide us in economic prosperity; because that's what you established, we know that to be blessed we need to give, because it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Lord, we want to recognize you, but Father, it is difficult for us to work, it is difficult for us because we were born in a world that has taught us that we do not have to give, but that we have to receive; that we do not have to enjoy ourselves for giving, but that we have to enjoy ourselves when they give us.
But we need that through your Holy Spirit you strengthen us to change our mentality, and keep in mind that in giving we will receive and we will be blessed; Lord, help us to do according to your purpose, knowing that there can be no economic prosperity if we do not give, if we do not have the habit of giving what you set us to give.
The Bible warns: "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evils; and there are some who, out of greed, have deviated from the faith and caused terrible sufferings "(1 Timothy 6:10, God Speaks Today, 1994 [DHH]). It should be noted that it is the love of money, and not money itself, that causes suffering.
Money can solve the problems that having not money brings. I don't say that it will make you happy but it will give you the chance to become happy. Try to be happy when you are hungry and cold outside with no home.
'God sanctifies what we give, and by sanctifying what we give is sanctifying all that will come; If I bring my tithes, offerings, and firstfruits, God sanctifies them and all the harvest that I will receive is sanctified and what I am already receiving as a blessing in advance, to give to God what is of God is to say to him.
This is true!he blesses those who gives!
If we are sincere, we will discover that in our life, we rely too much on external things, and too little on what we really are. Often, we serve money and we use God. We call him Lord, but the one who really sends money. Just the opposite of what Jesus asks of us. Everything that does not empower being is secondary. The only essential thing is our true being. The material, the biological must be the support of our spiritual Life, we should not reject it as bad, but use it well.
Everything in life is useful, money is very useful to us, but what we should always pray that.
1: Money shouldn't control us and make us lose our connection with as a Christian.
2: When we finally get that money, we should have the grace to be able to make good use of it.
"But we need that through your Holy Spirit you strengthen us to change our mentality, and keep in mind that in giving we will receive and we will be blessed; Lord, help us to do according to your purpose, knowing that there can be no economic prosperity if we do not give, if we do not have the habit of giving what you set us to give" Amen.......
We often due to ignorance give valuebtobwhat is mot suppose to truly the root of all evil is not necessarily money but our greedy nature,we may proclain that givers never lack but indeed to give is a bigger problem than we may regard it not to be.
Many times the lack of knowledge in relation to money, in other cases the lack of conscience, or ignorance of the subject, means that we do not have the blessing and prosperity that we should have in our lives as children of God.
It is not that wealth is intrinsically evil, or that poverty is blessed. Rather, a devotion to gathering wealth is incompatible with devotion to God. God must always be the most important thing in our lives:
"No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money mark 10: 23-27
money is the root of all evil
To be sincere, part of the things the church needs to function is money.....
WE need to be Givers.
Money answers all things and it's value can never be undermined. It's use is where the problem lies for most people don't know how to control its power and therefore they are most times led into bondage.
Nice one, thanks for sharing
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