God can communicate with anyone, especially with those who sincerely want to hear him, talk to them every day through signals and if he learns to make these signals his communication code with him, he can live a more tranquil, trustworthy life and safe in the hands of our Savior.
God knows all your needs and your heart, he is always with you, through some sign, it is the way to tell you that he loves you, just as you are, that he forgives you and that he is the God of opportunities. .
That sign is the one that tells you that he is working to solve that problem you have, to cure that illness, give you that job or fulfill a desire of your heart, but you also need to test your heart and know through signs, that you are also willing, repentant, that you have learned the lesson and in your heart is the fear of God and the firm purpose of correcting what you were not doing well.

1 Samuel 10: 7
When these signs have happened to you, do what the situation requires, because God is with you.
To have that understanding we need to ask for discernment of the Holy Spirit, we need to live in the presence of God. Thanks to the daily connection you have with God, He will show you through the conscience, the understanding to recognize that you need to change, do or that you should correct and even know when it is a sign and when it is a correction, when something comes from God , or it comes from yourself.
Joshua 24:17
For it is the LORD our God who brought us out, us and our fathers, from the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, who did these great signs before us and kept us all the way we walked and in all things. villages through which we pass.
A conscience that must constantly seek it, despite the barriers of the walls that are found in the soul itself.
If our soul constantly goes to God, your life, even though it will meet you with a thousand defects, a thousand problems, a thousand reticences, a thousand fears, will find the Lord.
That is one of the main functions of prayer, in which we ask God to enlighten us so that we understand what he wants to tell us.
One of the things we must do is read the Bible, it is its revelation, although not totally explicit, but to discover it. Each passage written in it presents a new meaning for us.

It also shows signs when we talk to friends who give us answers to what we are looking for.
That is to say; that the signs of God before our worries can come from different parts. Although it seems strange the ways in which they reach us, so we must ask for confirmation.

God can send his signs through: our conscience, hunches, other people, dreams, visions, prophecies, natural phenomena, in fact, he can use any means, including through posters, postcards, business cards, headlines, advertising, an object or an event that catches our attention.

When you experience the experience of receiving a sign from God and recognizing it, you feel its presence in a wonderful way with fullness and more spiritual strength, thanks to the Holy Spirit.
Once you know what God has communicated to you, you have the responsibility to put it into practice. Obeying his mandate to the contrary, it is likely that little by little you stop listening to him (because you will have destroyed your ability to recognize his voice) and you will die spiritually (1 Timothy 4: 2).
Hello, dear family of @steemchurch: Today I want to share about the signs of God and how they come to us.
I guess that sums everything up
Great post mate
Greetings @steemchurch, thanks for reading my published work. Although to be honest, I'm a bit sad because they did not give me a resteem to my publication. An agran hug brother and blessings
God works in mysterious ways. He doesn't do things like a mere am would do. It only takes a deal of close relationship to understand the signs he gives. Let us draw close and he'll reveal to us.
This is how we continue to pray, asking for discernment to the power of the Holy Spirit, to understand the greatness of God's love and wisdom.
For us to recognise his presencd he gave us the spirit of decernment to dercern the signs that shows his presence.
The Holy Spirit is a spirit of holiness and a sanctifying spirit, since it changes the hard, mundane and carnal heart, through a tender and spiritual heart that delights in the law of God (Ps 1: 2).