STEEMCHURCH: It is better to give than to receive!

in #steemchurch7 years ago


Giving is an act of giving to another; It is an act of grace. Grace gives with love and liberality; Grace grants, does not evaluate merits, does not condition.
Giving is in the nature of God ... and in the life received from Christ!
Giving is in the very nature of God. As expressed in 2nd. Corinthians 8: 9: "For you already know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who for your sake became poor, being rich, that you might be enriched with his poverty." As Christian believers, giving (with generosity and love) is also in our spiritual nature received from Christ. When we are born again, we receive the nature of God, who is love; and the Holy Spirit, enables us to give with love and generosity.
As Christians, giving is a vocation.
Giving is an inescapable vocation to which every Christian believer is called, in accordance with the example that the Lord Jesus left to his disciples.
The Bible exhorts us, with priority, to cultivate a liberal attitude regarding giving, rather than an attitude of receiving. Now, this attitude does not emerge automatically; it needs to be worked, and even forced to grow and develop, until it becomes natural; a habit; a characteristic way of relating and orienting ourselves in our interaction with others. "Jesus did not say that it would be more natural or easy to give than to receive, but that it would be more blessed."
Receiving can be more natural than giving. Life is directed, at least in the whole process of its growth, by a continuous receiving. The baby complains with his crying food and the affection and attention of his mother. The husband and wife wait for each other for compliments and caresses towards each other. We all hope to receive. We all want to be recognized. We all want to be esteemed. There is in each breast a hungry heart to receive affection and recognition; and that, in principle, is not questionable. But the Christian life is fundamentally giving.
There are many people who go through life looking instead of giving. But life can not be built exclusively on the basis of what we receive, but on the foundation of what we give. A continuous longing to receive, without ever giving, develops a selfish and self-centered life; focused on one's own needs, and unable to see and feel the needs of others.
Few people conceive happiness from the point of view of giving. But to give is to live. Jesus Christ said that more blessed (happy and happy) is to give than to receive.


Giving and receiving are reciprocal.

To the extent that we seek the welfare of others, we make life enjoyable for ourselves. When we give to others, we are satisfied in our need to give. It has been said that there is no better way to enjoy the goods than by giving them.
Let us be blessed to give our love and hope to the needy. Many suffer from a painful illness; those who face the aftermath of a divorce; those who experience the death of a loved one; those who endure the rebellion of a son; those who live under the dominion of an insurmountable vice. Let us be blessed to give them a word of encouragement, a hug of hope and a real demonstration of affection through deeds.
Most people concentrate their efforts on picking fruits (receiving) instead of giving. It is easier to be a receiver (consumer) than a giver; that is why there are so many people around us with needs that few can cover. But when we are ready to give, it is inevitable to receive. Whenever we approach those in need, inevitably we are blessed with appreciation and love, thus establishing a nurturer reciprocity between giving and receiving, between givers and needy.

We are exhorted by the Word of God to imitate Christ in his attitude of giving.

The expression, "more blessed is to give than to receive," was said by the most gifted man that this world has known, Jesus, who incarnated with his example the greatest example of a life invested in others. The life and ministry of Jesus was a constant giving, serving and helping people. And in the mouth of Jesus, it was not only a pious phrase, a rhetorical preaching, but a vocation and mission of life. When He said that, He was on the way to the cross where He would give His life for all mankind.

Psalm 37:26
The righteous are always willing to give without expecting anything in return, and their children are a blessing.