One of the most powerful revelations concerning the God that we are serving is found in Daniel 4:17:
the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whoever he wills
In Exodus 2. For many years, the children if Isreal languished in Egpty. They kept on hoping and praying that their deliverance will come. It seemed as if their God had gone on compulsory retirement. It seemed as if Pharaoh was just too tough for this God of Abraham to handle. Have you been in their shoe too? Oh, I know it sounds familiar to millions! But remember that despite that season of questions without answers; that season of "divine silence", they never gave up hope! That's what the Holy Ghost is asking you to do! Don't Allow Pharaoh To See Your Head Bowed; Don't Allow The Egyptians (Your Enemies) To See You Depressed! Don't Allow The Heavenly Cloud Of Witnesses (The Angels And Saints In Heaven) To Behold You Doubting The One They Call Holy, Faithful and True! Know that no affliction is forever! Verse 24 says,.
God heard their groaning and remembered His convenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob".
God heard their groanings and He remembered His convenant*. He will remember you too and send you help! He found the man Moses, but as far as Moses was concerned, God was wasting time! God was too slow! But he was wrong! Listen, as you finish today post. The same God who sought Moses and brought him back to Egypt to help the people of Isreal, will search through the length and breadth of this earth and seek an ANSWER TO YOUR BATTLE! No matter how good or terrible this year has been, He will REMEMBER you and if you DON'T GIVE UP, this world will know that He is the MOST HIGH God who ruleth in the kingdom of men! God is not through with you yet! He is working your case in His divine factory and you will NEVER end up in shame! Your best days are ahead!
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