Each time you hear and see a musical piano playing, your soul is raised in high praise to God. The popular piano which you see in churches and homes is called THE STEINWAY PIANO. A German immigrant, Henry Engelhard Steinway founded Steinway & Sons in 1853, in a loft located at 85 Varick Street in New York City. The production process of this musical equipment is a school you may not graduate from. From the factory floor in Queens (a popular area in New York City) tobSteinway Hall in Manhattan (Central Down Town New York), each piano's journey is complex. It takes about a year to produce one piano. Each production process starts from TREES IN THE FOREST where wood logs are cut and it involves 12,000 parts, 450 craftsmen, and countless hours of fine-tuned labor.
Most crucial is the rim-bending process, where 18 layers of MAPLE TREE (timber) are bent around an iron press to create the shape of a Steinway grand. Five coats of POLISH from LACQUER are applied and hand-rubbed to give the piano its outer shine. The instrument then goes to the pounder Room, where each key is tested 10,000 times to ensure quality and durability.
So we can see that each Steinway grand piano takes a year to build, and it involves the work of many skilled craftspeople in a complex and PAINFUL PROCESS! Yet at the end, THE PAIN IS FORGOTTEN and the _GLOW, CELEBRATED and WORSHIP- is what is remembered! That too is the story of your life!
God MUST pass you through THE PAINFUL BREAKING PROCESS in order for PRAISE to flow from your life! It is PAIN that produces PRAISE. But at the end, nobody remembers your pain. All the world sees is your CELEBRATED PRAISE! people cannot thank God for your life if they have not taunted God for your life! To TAUNT means to ridicule, scoff or mock! God will not make you till men mock you.
Those who asked you "WHERE IS YOUR GOD?" will someday declare: *"INDEED YOUR GOD; HE IS THE LORD." God passed Paul through the crucible of affliction and he became the FIRE END-TIME APOSTLE. See what he declared: "troubled on every side" (2 Cor.4:8). Wow! HOW CAN A MAN BE TROUBLED ON EVERY SIDE - emotional issues, finances, career and business, criticisms, persecutions, illness, death of loved ones, personality conflicts, relationships, etc? TROUBLED ON EVERY SIDE!
Oh, don't give up if your life is full of more trials than trophies! God passed Moses through the road of ridicules till he was broken and his life became the pavilion of miracles. THE MELODRAMA OF PAIN IS WHAT LEADS TO THE MELODY OF JOY! God can break you down by placing you under an overbearing superior, by placing you in extreme economic hardship, by placing you in situations of social embarrassment, by allowing you to bear some physical or relational handicap, by allowing you to endure failures - be they professional, parenting, church work, etc. and so forth. Like the STEINWAY PIANO, remember that in all these very difficult circumstances, God is breaking and molding you to become what He created you to be! Don't give up!
This is the power of human imagination - ordinary tree became a heart lifting machine in songs.
A good story.
Yes dear.....this teaches us that Rome was never built in a day......In life no matter what your story might have been.....don't give up yet