For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother's womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of Heaven's sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it (Matthew 19: 12)We give glory to the Almighty God for this grace and purpose to come your way with the conclusion of my message #LIFEPROBLEMS, I came your way with the messages LIFE problems :foundational cause and societal cause, and this message is the last aspect of it. You can access the sequel by visiting my blog. God bless you


We have dealt with two causes of our life's problems revealed to us by the Lord. They are the foundations (the wombs) we are born into and the society (the people) we live in. Let us see the third cause Jesus mentioned. Jesus said, they are caused by us ourselves. That is, personal causes or self imposed problems.
Jesus said, people become eunuch in life because they made it on themselves. What He said is in the positive. For example, Apostle Paul and Barnabbas chose not to marry for the work of God sake. And they had grace from God to sustain them in that condition.
But on the negative side of this same truth is what I am concerned about in this devotion.
By extrapolating this truth, we come to see that our choices, decisions and actions can and do render us eunuchs in life. They cause us to have a dry tree life. And this is. troubling.
Most of us don't even realize that the world is governed by spiritual and natural laws, that breaking them or going against them deliberately or ignorantly can spell our doom and troubles.
The most popular law is the Law of Harvest, which says, "that a man reap what he sows (Gal 6: 7). This law has different names in different parts of the world. Some call it Karma and others call it Murphy Law. In Science, it is called Newton's law - "to every action, there is equal and opposite reaction". It has to do with actions and consequences. And we find the effects of this law in people's lives, and in societies in general.
In the Bible, we read about Amnon, David's first son, who was to be the next king. But for his sexual escapism, lost everything and died a foolish death. He raped his own sister and was not long before the consequences visited him. And what about Esau, for hunger sake, he battered his birthright and future for a bowl of food. And he lost what would have been his glorious future. Adam our ancestor plunged the whole human race to a dilemma that many years after human beings are still grubbing with the effects and consequences of their choice. Judas Iscariot is infamous with his action, of betraying his Master for thirty dollars (permit me here, please) and the result was a disaster. A man called Gehazi, who should have become a famous prophet after his master Elisha. But because of greed and "being smart" ended up with a curse of leprosy not only for himself but also for his descendants.
The famous British writer, William Shakespeare, was right when he said, "the evil that men do live after them". The opposite is also true. The good they do also follow them.
Our problem is that we believe we can do the evil and get away with it. How foolish this is. You may get away from the legal law, but not the divine justice or law. Amnon got away from the legal law. His father David, who was the king, refused to rebuke him or apply the legal law to him. He got away with it his misdeeds. But not long, justice came visiting. Somebody took a revenge on him. Esau thought he was joking, until he realized too late that it was a reality.


Don't think that you can get away with that stealing, with that defiling of your marriage bed, with that homosexual life, with that juju, with that witchcraft, with that occult, with that evil. Even Hitler didn't get away with his evil deeds. And you and I won't also.. What is humbling is that the fruits come to us after many years. Some people are going through the fruits of their immoral life thirty years ago. Some are living with diseases they got from their adulterous life. The Bible says, "Can a man put hot coals on his chest and not burn him? Most people are frustrated in life, others living dry tree life all because we imposed it on ourselves deliberately or ignorantly.
Is there hope for us in this situation? The Lord says yes. We have His permission to come out of it if we want to. And is the reason He died on the Calvary cross. He came to help us so that we would not continue to be eunuchs or dry trees, but trees grafted to the Vine.
May the Lord help us and deliver us from our self imposed eunuch's lives that have set us up for poverty, failure, untimely death, and frustration.
May the grace of His atonement enable us and favour us to the success, progress and greatness He died to bring us into in Jesus name. Amen
Set time aside after this Easter and begin to deal with life problems
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people onto God's purposes
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@johnsonkoranteng @sirknight @sc-g

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This season call for instant joy, for we have deliverd from the bondage of sin. Happy Easter.


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