UNIBEN 6 CHURCHES 20 FELLOSHIPS(10% successful ), 4 CULT GROUP (90% successful)

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

MATTEW 16 V 18

And i tell you, you are peter, and on this this rock, i will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it

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When i got admission in University of Benin (Uniben), there was one place that always rings the bell of terror in the heart of every new student ( freshers), and that is a place called EKOSODIN, Ekosodin is a small community that houses most uniben student, becomes of it proximity to the school, it almost become a hostel for the school,.
Actually that is a good purpose, but the ODO thing about this place is that it houses cult groups.

The main mention of the name " ekosodin " means bad omen, Because this cult group is able to terrorize the whole of uniben, that even security agency of the school can not even save you from their hands when you get into trouble with one member of the cult group.

That one aside, One thing i noticed again is the rate of immoralities among students, every corners of any building has or is been used for immoral acts, the climax of it all is that it always falls on the female forks, because the rate of unwanted pregnancy and abortion it at its highest,

One more thing that is not hidden is the amount of churches and fellowship that are in the school environment. Everyday crusade and remah nights.
But with all this church activities, the rate of immorality surpasses the success of the church.


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Jesus said to peter, " i will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"

But the fact still remains that, the gate of hell is prevailing against the church, right infront of us christain,

One thing i noticed is that, it is not about the numbers of churches, but the amount of christian believers, (when i say christian, i mean persons that are christ-like, and not church goers)

Because those people that commit sins, still goes to church every sunday.
What the church needs is quality christians and not quantity christians.
The race is swift,but the rate of sin in the world is too much, and believers has to take heed less we fall.

What went wrong in uniben is actually that the church is filled quality sins, I mean, how come you come to church and twerk for the lord, and the pastor sees nothing wrong with your dressing, all they care is your offering and tithes,

I mean how does that walk, thisdays we blend the church to suit the world,
What a shame?Oneday i saw a particular church publicizing there old skool sunday in campus, okay #Joromi in there van.

On wonder the church is not able to inconcate the fear of the lord, because they preach a graceful God, thereby God is a merciful father, and he forgive our sins even before we commit them.But just one disrespect for a cult member, you life will never remain the same till you graduate.
Please #steemchurch parishioners in uniben, lets do something for the lord. Less it becomes sodom.



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Hello @joshuaky