Back in my younger years, in our small barangay, missionaries from other parts of Philippines go to our place to teach us during our summer vacation. It was a free school program by the church. Children in my age (5-6 years old) gather every morning and wait for our teachers so we can listen to their stories written in the bible. One of these stories is the Miracle of 5 Loaves and 2 fishes.
I can still remember the song about this.
Lima ka tinapay kag duha ka isda, lima ka tinapay kag duha ka isda , lima ka tinapay kag duha ka isda, ihatag sa tanan!
(5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes, 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes, 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes, to give to everyone!)
It is an Ilonggo version of the song because most of the missionaries who came to our place were from Negros with Ilonggo dialect.
Matthew 14:17-21
“Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.
I have been very open about our financial difficulty which started almost 3 years ago. But everytime my husband and I would talked about our budget, trying to fit everything, our salaries were not enough. But despite our financial difficulties, still, we gave, we shared, we offered, we helped. Then we just always say:
Don't worry Papa, God will provide.
He would just nod in agreement. For almost 3 years that we budgeted our salaries, other unplanned expenses came. Until we were drowned in debts. And everytime I was panicking where to get money, he would say:
Don't worry Mama, God will provide.
And God did provide. We just need to have faith in Him. Even how long it takes. He answers it with NO, YES and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, NOT YET.Because everything must be according to His plan. Not ours.
Little becomes much when it is placed in God's hands even though we may not have very much. We don't need to be selfish. Give as much as you can because God will reward you tenfold more if you do it from your heart. We must never believe our resources are too little to share with others. This happened with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes. Who would have thought it fed 5,000 people? This miracle shows us that God can give us exactly what we need. He will double, triple your measly offering to provide a feast for the nations!That’s why we trust God to provide.
Nice post. Freely receive, freely give. God bless your heart
Thank you. :) God bless you more.
Up voted and followed po.
Thank you and following you na rin. :)
God answers at the right time
True. Patience lang.
if only i have something to give hehe
Everyone has something. Even in your own little way. :)
God is our only hope. Let's give our 100% trust to Him..thanks for the inspiring post.
You're welcome. and thank you for stopping by too.
You're welcome. and thank you for stopping by too.
It's better to give than to receive
Indeed, God will always provide
great testimony, good post, cheers
I already proved that God really provides. Just call on him, leave it up to him and wait for the help to come