Hello my dear brothers, I was meditating on how to go from bearing fruit to bear more fruit; What is in between is to remove those things that God does not like, that we have to change.
When you are productive, you feel more motivated than when you are not. The fruit you give, even if you do not eat it as such, you are giving it to someone else.
Mark 11: 12-13: The next day, when they left Bethany, he was hungry. And seeing from afar a fig tree that had leaves, he went to see if perhaps there was something in it; but when he came to her, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not time for figs.
It was not time for figs or time for leaves. People who have a lot of leaves, but have no fruit is a problem. Those fig trees Jesus does not like. If we are going to give leaves, we have to bear fruit.
The fig tree measures 4 to 7 meters high, has short-lived leaves, crooked and bent branches. They choose it for two things: for its shade and for its fruit. In other words, it is chosen for its service. We have to learn that beauty is not the fruit that that person gives, but that it has to be something that can be eaten. There is a proverb that says: "The beautiful woman and without reason is like a pig with a ring in her nose". The truth is, there are women who are beautiful, they look like models, but when you look for the reason, you notice that you have a ring on your nose.
The reason is that we live partly in a house, in a church, and that is what we have to learn to live with, because all beauty ends.
The fig tree is now dry, it will not have figs from the root. Everyone thinks that the curse was that it had dried up, but that was the consequence. People think that when a business went bankrupt it was a curse, but bankruptcy was only a consequence. The curse was what Jesus told the fig tree, it listens, even the seas heard it.
But when Jesus said to him: "Never will anyone ever eat of you", that was the curse and that's where it dried up. The curse is to have no one to serve, but as long as the children of God themselves do not know what a curse and a blessing is, they can not bear fruit.

The only one who boasted of knowing God was the one who did not produce and was the one who sent them into darkness. We have to be more fruitful people and not words. The others did not boast of knowledge or speak in tongues, but they acted.
That nobody ever needs you again, that no one ever consumes your time, that no one ever asks you for help, that nobody ever calls you at midnight, that's a curse: having nothing to contribute.
Those people who live complaining that only they are called, do not understand that this is a blessing and not a curse.
When you least feel, people grow and bear fruit. And we give thanks to God because he has heard that Word and has borne fruit.
When you are bearing fruit, peace, love, kindness, you are doing it for someone else. When talking about fructification is for someone else. Whether I accept it or not, God has given me life for someone else, I must live for someone else and bear fruit for someone else.
The curse does not consist in you drying yourself, but in no one else's coma.
The more willing you are, the less it hurts when they say "stay". But if you do not want to, you get so bad and even tense, because you did not want to stay.
John 15: 1-2
I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch that does not bear fruit in me will take it away; and every one that bears fruit shall cleanse it, that it may bear more fruit.
If you realize, the one who was given the talent took it away and they sent him into the darkness.
There is no need to get to that point. In the same land, when you are negligent, you are fired and that is where everything is looked bad, because you have to pay the bills.
The first order that the Lord gave is to bear fruit, and the second was to multiply.
The first thing the Lord said was: "Let us make man in our image and likeness".

We are made in the image and likeness of God. "The first thing that God spoke to man was his image.The Bible says that God takes care of all the hairs of our head.
To believe yourself as God is not a sin, it is to recognize how we were created. (Gen. 1:27)

If you do not cut what you do not let it bear fruit, then you will not continue to bear fruit. It ends with what is not of God, so you can bear more fruit.
When you receive a Word and say: "It does not matter if I am well, or I am in crisis, because this Word will remain in me no matter what is happening". When that Word remains, you bear much fruit. Then the Lord says: "Ask whatever you want and it will be done to you".
Asking is not bad, if this is the last of the chain of bearing fruit. But there are people who do not want to bear fruit; However, they do approach those who have fruit so that God will answer them.
One can not bear fruit if it is not full of the Word.
John 15: 8
In this my Father is glorified, in that you bear much fruit and you are my disciples.
Say: "The disciples bear no fruit, no more fruit, but much fruit."
The Father is glorified in what you ask, because it is one more evidence that you have borne fruit.
If He did not want to give you everything, why does He say to you: "This is the reward of bearing fruit: ask for everything you want", because you have glorified it.
May God bless you and may this word be engraved in your heart so that you may bear fruit in abundance in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to whom we give glory for the ages of
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