In his desperation Saul consulted with the witch of endor. He needed direction so desperately and did not known where to turn. Even though he had previously put away all those who had familiar spirit, it became for him the case of a dog returning to its vomit. As it later turned out it was another step in the wrong direction with telling consequences. Saul's bitter end is succinctly captured in one verse of scripture: "so Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had commuted against the lord, because he did not keep the word of the lord, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance" (1cor. 10:13)
It is certain that you will need direction in the course of the year;but never allow any form of desperation to push you in any extra-biblical path to guidance. God has better ways to guide you; He wants us to seek his guidance in prayer , he also gives us the guidance of the spirit and his word.
He provides us with mentors and wise leaders. And he's given us the example of Jesus himself". You cannot exhaust these Channels before you gained insight of which direction God wants you to go.
Directions we take in our lives matter a lot.
I would love to tell us **FOUR WAYS GOD HELPS(DIRECTS) HIS PEOPLE **
1) Decree:
God sovereignly decrees and designs the circumstances in our lives, so that we could all end up where he desires and wants us to be even if we don’t have any conscious part or thought in getting there.
**2) Direction: **
This is our topic for today,it is simply what God almighty does for us by giving us the commands and teachings of his word, the holy Bible. They direct us rightly and specifically what to do and what not to do. The Ten Commandments are one example.1. Don’t steal.
2 Don’t kill.
3 Don’t lie.
Or the Sermon on the Mount:
i) Love your enemies.
ii) Or the Epistles:
iii) Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
iv) Put on humility.
This is the leading of direction. God reveals his directions in the Bible.
3) Discernment:
Most of the decisions we make are not spelled out really specifically in the Bible. Discernment is how we follow God’s leading through the very process of spiritually sensitive application of biblical truth to the particularities of our life's situations.
Romans 12:2 describes this:
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect”.In this case God does not declare a specific word about what to do. But his awesome Spirit shapes the mind and heart through the word and prayer so that we all have inclinations towards what would be the most glorifying to him and very much helpful to others.
4) Declaration:
This is the least common means of God’s leading. He simply declares to us what we should do. For example, according to Acts 8:26
Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go south to the road--the desert road--that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza."
Discerning what to do on the basis of biblical principle when we do not have a specific command for our exact decision will yield less confidence than when we have an explicit direction in the Bible. And the truth that God is sovereign and guides all things is the rock bottom confidence under all others.
It is a good place to rest.
Sometimes we need the holy spirit to help with discernment, we are faced with challenges everyday, just like Saul, he was rejected by God because he made the wrong choice and that's what led him to consult the witch of endor
The lord us the only one who can grant us the spirit of discernment in other to know what to do, at the right time and the right place.
Very true.
We should pray always for God to grant us unto this spirit of discernment!.
It is a factor that influences success in our christian race!
Discerning what to do on the basis of biblical principle when we do not have a specific command for our exact decision will yield less confidence than when we have an explicit direction in the Bible. .... thanks for sharing this post with the @steemchurch
Upvoted and resteem
An Explicit direction from the bible, can set us on a path of greatness for life!
God told the children of Israel that He would be their King, but they wanted one like all the other nations. They chose Saul. He looked Kingly.... stood a head above all the other men, but he was not the one. When we try to walk in our own wisdom, we will always miss God's best for us.
Good word!
Walking in our own wisdom is simply folly.
Only Gods wisdom is key to giving us a good life here on earth!.
Nearly everyone feels insignificant at one time or another. You may be great on the football field and terrible in a chemistry lab. Maybe you are the star of the show with one group and totally ignored in another. Insignificance has more to do with how we feel about ourselves than our real value as people.
Great observation and comment brother @hboi
I have enjoyed reading your post, especially when I came across this "Discerning what to do on the basis of biblical principle when we do not have a specific command for our exact decision will yield less confidence than when we have an explicit direction in the Bible. And the truth that God is sovereign and guides all things is the rock bottom confidence under all others.
It is a good place to rest" good to share thanks
Youre welcome.
Im happy you enjoyed reading it!.
dont kill dont lie ....
We all just need to seek and follow God and we have no more problems with direction
Well said.
Following God alone has set us on a part for greatness!
Thanks for this encouraging post sir, a word is indeed enough for the wise. No level of desperation should cause us to turn away from the Lord and go make bad decisions, if we take the time to pray and understand his word I believe we would have the necessary guidance we need to excel
Very well said @aisiatiti
When God gives you a direction, never doubt him for he is the waymaker and he guides is to a joyful end. If he says, go just go and don't look back. Let us do more of seeking for his face and he'll appear. @Juderoyal first post I'm reading and I love it. Well done bro
if he says, go just go and don't look back. Let us do more of seeking for his face and he'll appear
I love this comment, im also happy you loved reading it.
The directions we take in life matters alot, we succeeding depends on the directions. I pray we take the right directions.
God through the holy spirit should be the source\foundation of our every decision we make in life
Well said.
It definitely is the foundation of every decision we make!.
We have mentors and leaders to fllow... God is the best
God truly is the best!
He is the best,and all people on earth should follow the true king, so as to get to our destination!