A very popular saying goes like this: Do not play with fire if you do not want to burn, said used by those people that we consider old or very experienced in their long life. The purpose of expressing it to someone is to try to alert them about a situation of risk or danger, that many times, the person is aware of it and still insists on remaining in that situation, others simply can only visualize the benefit they will obtain, without measuring the consequences. At this moment, this person concerned about the other makes use of the proverb with the sole intention of helping him, saving him or rescuing him from some circumstance of adversity.
In the same way, God, seeing that his people were lost because he did not listen to his advice and his word, decided not to give a proverb to save and rescue someone, but that he gave his own son, Jesus Christ, to announce them. the truth and the result we would get if we did not listen to the voice of the one who for love of us shed his blood on the cross, his message was precisely salvation wanted to show us that the way of life that we lead many times is not the one that suits us and we are playing with fire and we can burn ourselves.
Maybe someone says my life is normal I avoid danger and risks, but when we exceed the limit of drinking alcohol, are we not at risk ?, When someone uses drugs or engages in prostitution, or when there is adultery, or when we depend on a cigarette to calm anxiety, when I stop being responsible, or when I do not eat well, are not these at risk? There are many situations that could be evident and that may identify the situation in which you find yourself: more Jesus does not want to point you out, nor judge you, he only wants to give you the guidance and the necessary council for salvation.
He does not want to lose you, it is not in his heart to see you, afflicted or destroyed because you played with fire and burned yourself, Jesus is the one who tells you right now the wise man sees the evil and moves away but the fool takes the damage, does not Say to the bad good and the good bad do not befriend this world because you enmity with God, I am the way the truth and life nobody goes to the father if you do not dare me. This and much more are the counsels of God for your life, you can only do two things or take it and turn away from the fire that burns or simply in the middle of the embers you regret not hearing who one day I try to save you.
God bless you greatly
Certainly man must be prudent in all his way and look at the sacrifice that Jesus made for the love of humanity. Therefore one should walk cautiously and avoid things that damage our walk.
Thanks for sharing @junfer
Thank you for your comment If we take as a rule to place all our things in the hands of God first, we would not even approach the fire. He would lead us through the best path in our life decisions. God bless you greatly