STEEMCHURCH ° A writing for our great leader @sirknight; a warrior of light

in #steemchurch7 years ago

I dedicate this post to @sirknight and @ladynight, for being the warriors that give light; to the whole community. @steemchurch blessings and success.

You who were born, any day, of any year, at an unforeseen time of the day and when you began to understand the human vocabulary you asked yourself: what are you saying, this must be a dream ... I do not understand those norms and for what and why What ... you were growing and extinguishing your blessed Light, having exchanged your beautiful feelings for thoughts of jealousy, competition, hatred, recores and pain and transformed them as an alchemist in your mental workshop for unleashed emotions ... You one day you said: Enough already !!! ... this was not so! ... this can not continue on this path ... there must be something else ... and you started an internal search to know, to remember who you really were ... you, friend you: you are a Warrior the light.

Written for our great leader @sirknight

Blessed are you, until now you have recognized yourself as such; your leader and we are the loving servants and delicately so that God returns to the world his Essence: Peace Love and Freedom.

A Warrior takes years to self-recognize, but his relentless desire to know, to know, to come and go, his stages of achievements and triumphs, as well as those that are challenging and of great pain, that roller coaster that every Warrior passes through, they make him think about ... who is he ... what does he do here? and at the end he sees that even if he loses battles he always wins the Wars of Life ... that security, dictates his heart, is that of a Fighter ... of a Divine Warrior

Nothing and no one can interfere in his progress and when he does he rejects it, since who was useful to take strength, now hinders his path of Light.

As each Lightworker, entering this luminous path, is going forward because any backward movement will push you into the abyss of your own experiences; there is no return for the Warrior, there is only the forward walking; The stages of rest that are taken between contention and contest of Life are part of their learning.


The life of a warrior once recognized as such, oscillates between great emotions and passions in contrast to moments of low esteem, sadness and longing, but that strength of which was endowed before incarnating, makes him, recover and transmute the low vibrations which will transit.-

The Warriors recognize each other and share lived battles, but comment from a non-egotic perspective, but as an experience that had to be lived to advance one more step towards the Light.

The Warrior likes both to live alone and to share, in stages of his existence, with others ... they form families and have their own children, but if in that Unit the Freedom of Being and Doing is subject to the tastes of others ... the Warrior takes the door with gratitude and retakes its loneliness; for them, Freedom is their maximum contention, freedom to be, freedom to express to do, to manifest, to resolve from Love the Serenity and the Dialogue ... because although Warriors were born their weapons are made of Light ... Of the lie they refuse to fight , convinced that Truth always triumphs ... they are criticized by non-warriors as if they were puppets at the expense of manipulators, they rarely fight against lying, blackmail or coercion, but if they have to, they do so in the last stay, when their resources bright have not been enough and still do so with such care, education, firmness and finesse that verifies the great Truth for which they have spent years fighting from the Light ....

They lose battles, some, as the Warrior progresses in his development of Consciousness is winning them all, but the truth as Absolute Truth is that the Wars have always won ... before the fight begins ... in truth they know but the time between battle and battle gives them such strength, wisdom and ingenuity ... that they accept them as part of the process of their constant Luminous Learning.


They are charismatic, they laugh, they sing, they dance, because their soul needs joy to vibrate loudly; others are serious, reserved, almost solitary and of few words ... but their end is common and they cross their energies to advance and grow day by day in the Evolution towards the Light.-

It is the prototype of Being that leads a life of struggles of all kinds from which it emerges victorious of all ... people usually use the comment:

"That person has come down many times, but it always comes out gracefully" ... those are the Light Warriors, designated from the Great All-Powerful Source to ascend with their feats to the Light and teach other non-warriors to understand how Life works, so that we are here and illuminate with their presence the darkest places on the Planet ... from their own home, their work, their family, friends ... social environment exposed to be labeled as "rare" titles that ignore and who knows what the denominator denominates them of not illuminated.-

Each day more are called to battle for the Light of our Planet and many do not understand, do not understand that their experiences are there to overcome the shadows of the Masters who incarnated in the form of everyday people to teach them to cut off any apex of penumbra of the Planet

The Warrior likes to have like-minded partners in their awakening because it greatly facilitates their work ... to both ... that better than your own wife is a Light Warrior, who in addition to your divine project, loves you, shares you, understands your moments of weakness and celebrate your victories ... the warrior is happy, as is the warrior to have a husband-a, partner-a, a couple in general who tells their battles upon arriving home and share children, being the case, love peace and freedom.

The sumo of a Warrior is to create a home with a couple that is Warrior for Mental Freedom and the Human Being in their society, to illuminate dark places and better if they are two and go hand in hand.

The Warrior is born and made; come to this World with a Determined Plan as guardian and protector of the Light; how he has to lose a few years until he self-affirms his condition ... he must re-become like what he is in Truth ... a Samurai of Light.


@sirknight is a great man... I've never thought about a blockchain church before but a wonderful an spirit lead man ordained by God made it possible. I celebrate you sir.

Why thank you Hornblende - thou ist too kind.


God says that everything in life is possible, if one proposes it. our leader @ sirknight had the courage, the perseverance and the faith; to achieve our beautiful @steemchurch community

Beautiful composition.

His leadership qualities are seen in his ability to initiate ideas that can be helpful to the community or his followers. @sirknight is a true warrior.

And thank you too dyz7!


Enjoyable post Karines.

I caught sight of it late last night a knew I needed to revisit. Great narrative and some terrific pictures.

Yes the life of a warrior can be lonely at times, but he does get to meet wonderful people, like the good folk of the SteemChurch.

I am... SirKnight!

Amazing post,Lightwarriors defend light, fight evil, and make known those obstacles which could block the progress of spiritual seekers. With this in mind, this brings forth the different types of lightwarrior.come to this World with a Determined Plan as guardian and protector of the Light.@sirknight is a true knight, master of light, samurai of light

Your words flows like rain, beautiful like the flow of the stream.

the light will always triumph, we have that leader of light, who always guides us on the path of God @sirkinght

Sk is soo inspiring leader helping many people 😍😍

lots of love for @sirknight 😍😍

Awesome post brotherly. We hope to hear more from you.

Thanks to @karines for this eulogy. @sirknight is a warrior of light and worrior in the light. I think sirknight should have a mega school on steemit , he has the Energy @karines. Hahahahaha!

We must learn to be warriors for Christ; ready to fight the attacks of satan.

I really love this:

I'm @raymondbruce the founder of steemit_extention. Steemit_extention is a facebook page created for the promotion of steemit on facebook.

I true warrior is truly determined!
Thanks for this: steem on!

True knights battling spiritual battles for Jehovah to free souls of condemnation into His everlasting glory.. Kudos @karines

A warrior of light could lose some battles, but never war. always faith in God

Wonderful post... A knight never picks fights but will never back out when a fight comes

there is evil in the world, being god with us; who against us?

So many kind words for @sirknight, and the lady this us really amazing, I'm also grateful he brought together a movement #steemchurch

@sirkinght, had the insight and the faith, in creating a community, that will bring us closer to God

What a nice post @karines, such a timely, and inestimable dedication post to a man of valour and a woman of honour so filled with virtuousness. They are both the best and the surest blessings to humanity.

A man that encouraged me to embrace selfless living, consistently hooking up to sacrifice.

Keep it up mate. Upvoted

Beautiful and interesting post. @sirknight is true fighter and great parson. Lots of love for @sirknight.