"Or what man is there among you, when his child might approach him for a roll, will give him a stone? "Or in the event that he might request a fish, he won't give him a snake, will he? "On the off chance that you at that point, being shrewd, know how to give great blessings to your youngsters, the amount more might your Father who is in paradise give what regards the individuals who ask Him! "Along these lines, be that as it may you need individuals to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
On the off chance that you ask the youthful youngsters in our Sunday School, "How might I be a superior Christian?" They are probably going to react, "Go to chapel, read your Bible and implore." Even the most youthful among us know the benefit of doing these things, yet consistently there are void seats at the congregation, and dusty, new Bibles in our homes. What's more, the greater part of us would concede we don't ask enough. What number of you are happy with your supplication lives?
In this content, Jesus guarantees to react to our supplications, on the off chance that we will just implore them. All in all, my inquiry is, WHY DON'T WE ASK?
Do we not ask on the grounds that we don't confide in God?
Fidel Castro, the famous Cuban despot, as of late offered to send screens to direct another presidential race if asked by the United States. As liberal as his offer seemed to be, I question that he will get a telephone call at any point in the near future. A comrade tyrant most likely doesn't have any aptitude that the US can use to help oil the wheels of vote based system.
I can comprehend why the US government won't approach Castro for help, yet I don't comprehend why Christians are ease back to approach God for help. I know we believe Him, so for what reason do we experience the ill effects of a plague of prayerlessness?
Our content today plainly says He will react on the off chance that we inquire. Take a gander at Matthew 7:7 once more, "Ask, and it might be given to you; look for, and you should discover; thump, and it should be opened to you.
Do we not ask on the grounds that things are going great? I realize that I didn't experience the ill effects of prayerlessness when I was battling with malignancy. Have you seen that it is so difficult to turn our contemplations to God when everything is going great?
This Thanksgiving, a significant number of us set aside opportunity to express gratitude toward God for what we have. A few of us even closed we have all we need. Satisfaction is a righteousness, yet not when we say we "have all we need" and the "all" does exclude God. St. Augustine stated, "God needs to give us something, yet can't, on the grounds that our hands are full - there's no place for Him to put it."
Do you believe that we see God as an aviator respects his parachute; it's there for crises however he trusts he'll never need to utilize it? - C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain.
Do we not ask on the grounds that we are excessively occupied with doing great? Billy Kim is the recently chosen Baptist World Alliance President and the minister of a 13,000 part church, the Suwon Church in South Korea. In his remarks after his decision, he stated, "In the event that I needed to do everything over, I would accomplish additionally supplicating and less lecturing."
I believe the reason why most people don't ask is because they're thinking that God doesn't answer them. What they can't understand is God is answering them in His own way and not in the way we, people, understand.
Ya! People see God differently, But what we need to know is that God is looking for people that He will become friends with....I recommend that everyone watch a Movie called "The Shark"...It will enlighten Christians more....