
Greetings to the entire Steemit community.
God in his perfect Word teaches us that there are things he hates strongly and these are:
Proverbs 6: 16-19 Reina-Valera 1960 (NIV)
16 Six things that the Lord hates, and even seven abominates his soul: 17 The haughty eyes, the liar tongue, the hands shed innocent blood, 18 The heart that machines evil thoughts, The fast feet to run towards evil, 19 false witness He who speaks lies, and he who sows discord among brothers.
There are people who believe themselves superior to others and act arrogantly. This type of person says the word that God hates. Surely you know people who are very deceitful and very liars, these people do not like God at all. They are people who light a very large fire that can destroy many friends. God hates the liar and has a place prepared for torment for being false and deceitful people.
God does not sympathize with people who shed innocent blood, there are people who take the lives of others for the simplicity of stealing or taking revenge on any matter. He who hates blood, God hates.
Our society is full of people who, according to the proverb we are reviewing, are people to whom God assures punishment if they do not repent of their evils. The goal of this proverb is to know what God hates to straighten our steps and walk as God wants us to walk in a straight line in life.
There are people who machine harmful thoughts towards others, such people pollute their hearts of hate and evil; which leads them to separate from the love of God.
All who rush to run towards evil await God's divine judgment. Our Lord Jesus Christ said that He had not come to condemn the world, but to save it; However, people remain under the darkness of the world doing evil and sowing discord.
God emphasizes that all arrogant people, liars, bloodthirsty innocent people, machinists of bad thoughts in their hearts, are abominable people.
The arms of Christ are still open for these people to repent and follow the path of truth.