Science proves: being generous brings happiness

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Blessings and eternal life for all the friends of the SteemChurch!

"Our study provides behavioral and neural evidence that supports the link between generosity and happiness." Who says is a team and researchers from Zurich, Switzerland, who published his work in the journal Nature Communications, one of the most important scientific publications in the world.


According to the cited study, MRI scans and carefully prepared questionnaires showed that generous people are happier.

The researchers informed the participants in the tests that they would receive 25 Swiss francs (about 80 reais) per week for four weeks. Later, they suggested to some that they donate part of the money to those who needed it most and, to others, the researchers suggested that they spend all the money.

At the end of the process, the scientists developed questionnaires and medical exams, discovering that areas of the brain linked to happiness were much more activated when people were generous.

"Generosity and happiness improve individual well-being and can facilitate social success," they concluded.

Ancient discovery

The study published in Switzerland is important for education, politics, life in society and, mainly, for the spiritual life. This is because, according to the Bible (which was concluded approximately 2000 years before the previous research was published), who is generous and helps the most needy, they have a reserved place beside the Lord Jesus during eternity.

The Bible says that when the time comes, the Lord Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats and tell the first group:

Come, blessed of my Father, possess by inheritance the kingdom that has been prepared for you since the foundation of the world;
Because I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and I was drinking; I was a foreigner, and you hosted me;
I was naked, and you saw me; I got sick, and you visited me; in jail, and you went to see me. Matthew 25: 34-36

And when the sheep do not understand when they did it to the Lord, He will clarify:

Truly I tell you that when you did it to one of my brothers, you did it to me. Matthew 25:40


That is to say: the act of donating, in addition to bringing immediate happiness in that world, still pleases God.


Very curious to know this Kristal, in fact, here in steemchurch we are happy to help all our followers and parishioners.

