WOMAN: How are your priorities?

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Greetings to all the women of steemchurch.

We have been created in an amazingly wonderful and admirable way by the mighty God. Being multifunctional is a talent that has been given to us for eternal purposes and to honor God through the administration of all activities on our path.


Jesus warned his followers where our values ​​should be grounded and what we value is that it reveals the condition of our heart.

"Sell your goods and give alms, do for yourselves bags that do not wear out over time, a treasure in the heavens that does not end, where a thief comes near and no trace destroys, because where your treasure is. your heart will be also "Luke 12: 33-34

It is through prayer that we cry out to the Lord for Him to help us see clearly what we value, to show us where our heart is and to help us seek His kingdom above all.

Faced with our daily life and full of daily demands, we find our time in silence with our Heavenly Father engaged. But it is not difficult to perceive that He, God Himself, is always calling us attention so as not to deviate from the ways of Him.

Manage your time

Managing your time is a skill that includes realistic planning, becoming a task that is often very difficult but very useful to be developed.

First we must seek God to know how to use, analyze and distribute our time. People and other external factors should not define their agenda.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding ... Find your will in everything you do, and you will be shown the way you should follow" P ROV 3: 5-6

The biggest challenge for a woman is not to organize her life or to plan her year, but to order day by day, opening space to rest enough, eat properly, exercise and enjoy an exclusive moment with the Lord. In order to dedicate ourselves to what is really important, we must determine a significant schedule for the vital relationships, mainly with the husband and his children in his home.

Be faithful in the short periods of time and you will be able to do great things.
You are an efficient woman, get up early and plan daily tasks. (Prov.31: 15)

Prepare the night for the next day.
Defining your priorities
Determine what is most important to do and how time should be better spent, that is, who and what will take precedence over the other things in life.


To control your time and resources productively, begin by listing your obligations and presenting before the Lord in prayer, go to the Word of God as it guides us to list our priorities.

"Your word is a lamp at my feet and a light on my path." Psalm 119 105

"The exposure of your words illuminates and gives a vision to the simple ones." Psalm 119 130

The organization allows us to walk through life with order and purpose. There are some important steps that you must set in your mind to decide before the opportunities that should be priorities.

  1. Keep your intimate and personal relationship with Jesus.
  2. Commits to your household duties and to your family.
  3. Devote yourself to professional responsibilities and other tasks.
  4. Serve the Lord by getting involved in his church and with his community.

Stay firm on your priorities
Jesus always separated to stay with the Father in prayer and intense meditation to determine their priorities and to prepare for each day.

"But Jesus' fame spread even more, so the crowds came to hear him and to be healed of his diseases, but Jesus withdrew to lonely places to pray." Luke 5: 15-16


For you to stay in your priorities, place God first, consult the Father regularly in your devotional moment, examine your heart and maintain your spiritual health.

You who are a wise and virtuous woman, keep your days in prayer especially at this time of calendar return. At that time the places are more full and tumultuous, people anxious and troubled in double doses. Learn to reassure yourself in the Lord by living your days from His perspective.



Hi Sister Kristal01, it is important that women manage an organized life, establishing priorities to maintain balance in the home, in fact they are endowed by God to make everything go well. Good post.



Amen and thank you brother, the world has influenced many homes bringing stress to the family, when the wife is organized she can contribute to a sweet home.