Attitudes that please God.

Hebrews 11: 32-34 says: And what else do I say? Because time would be lacking telling me about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, as well as Samuel and the prophets; that by faith they conquered kingdoms, they did justice, they obtained promises, they covered the mouths of lions, they extinguished impetuous fires, they avoided the edge of the sword, they drew strength from weakness, they became strong in battles, they put in flight foreign armies.
You will be capable of great victories if you have attitudes that seek and please God. He will face you processes that will shape your character and make you a winner.
Acting with justice is one of those positive attitudes, clinging to His promises is also. Let me transform you and work with you. The men and women of God abandon themselves to His restoration processes in order to achieve victory. Remember that battles shape your character and strengthen your faith.

David's training process
1st Samuel 16: 22 tells: Then one of the servants answered, saying, "Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem, who knows how to touch, and is brave and strong and a man of war, wise in his words, and beautiful, and Jehovah is with him.
There are three issues that build our identity: what others say, what we think and what God expects from each one. What we read was a man's testimony about David. The opinion he had of him was good, but it was not formed suddenly. It was necessary that he go through many circumstances that formed his character, made him brave and vigorous. Everything was a process and in the end it was evident that Jehovah accompanied him. If you want God to be always with you, you must train according to the characteristics of the people you like. The men of God are formed.
David was a pastor. His task was perhaps not complicated or difficult but it had a purpose. Surely nobody imagined that this work was the workshop that God would use to form it. In the simplest tasks is the opportunity to do big things.
Preparing for battle
1 Samuel 17: 22-24 continues the story: Then David left his burden in the hand of the keeper of the baggage, and ran to the army; and when he arrived, he asked for his brothers, if they were okay. While he was talking to them, behold, that champion who stood in the middle of the two camps, who was called Goliath, the Philistine of Gath, came out from among the ranks of the Philistines and spoke the same words, and David heard them. And all the men of Israel who saw this man fled from his presence, and were greatly afraid.
While he was taking care of the sheep, he learned about the war that the people were fighting. He was not chosen as a soldier because he was seen as a simple and small shepherd who would not be able to fight in a battle. Then he discovers that one man frightened the whole army of God and that motivates him.
Challenge the enemy despite the contempt
1 Samuel 17: 26-28 talks about what happened next: David spoke to those who stood by him, saying, 'What will the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, to provoke the squads of the living God? And the people answered the same words, saying: So shall it be done to the man who conquers him. And when Eliab his elder brother heard him speak with these men, he burned with anger against David and said: Why have you come down here? And to whom have you left those few sheep in the desert? I know your arrogance and the malice of your heart, that to see the battle you have come.
Eliab, his own brother, underestimated him because he considers that being a pastor was not worthy even to speak such strong and courageous words. David first names Goliath as a Philistine who did not belong to the people of God; He also calls it uncircumcised, impure and without a sacred covenant. In that way he challenges him, just as we challenge those who dare to offend our children.
Do not attend to those who despise you because you are a child of God and as such you will win in battles even if others think you are not capable of doing so .
Brave and determined man
1 Samuel 17: 31-36 speaks of David's decision: The words that David had spoken were heard, and they were spoken before Saul; and he did come. And David said to Saul, Let no one's heart faint because of him; your servant will go and fight against this Philistine. Saul said to David, "You can not go against that Philistine to fight with him; because you are a boy, and he a man of war from his youth. David answered Saul: Your servant was shepherd of his father's sheep; and when a lion came, or a bear, and took some lamb from the herd, I went after him, and struck him, and delivered him out of his mouth; and if he rose up against me, I would grab him by the jaw, and wound him and kill him. He was a lion, he was a bear, your servant killed him; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has provoked the army of the living God.
David explained to Saul what his school was and how to fight against lions and bears prepared him for the challenge against Goliath. Faced with wild animals, he never fled or sought excuses. He fought for his own will and with the desire to fully comply with the mission that had been entrusted to him, no one forced him.
He bravely defended what was his father's. He was faithful in the little to be put in much. Many times this happens, God first tests us with what is foreign and then we get up on our own.
Finally his arguments convinced the king that God had always accompanied him. To fight he did not allow them to put on armor or give him swords. He faced the struggle with what he knew how to use. He did not receive an angel or prophet message, he did not have a vision either, he simply took the initiative to preserve a nation, as well as learned how to preserve sheep.

Fight against the giants
From doing insignificant tasks a warrior was born, from sheep shepherding came a king. David faced whoever tried to enslave the children of God. The giant of debt can not enslave you and humiliate you. You can not allow a disease to subjugate. Face the giants as a child of God because you must be convinced that He is with you.
The giant cursed David but that did not stop him. The devil often uses people to curse us but it is our responsibility to annul them, because it is written that we must condemn all language that rises against us and no weapon forged against us will prosper.
Sure you have had to face difficult situations but it is time to convince you that God is with you. Assume your identity, He walks with brave men and women who trust in His support when they take the initiative to conquer their enemies. The Lord walks with those who fight for what belongs to them.
David fought motivated by the idea of honoring God through His people. Parents are like that, we fight to preserve the lives of our children. As long as you do not expose yourself to the process of formation for battle, you will be vulnerable to sin that weakens you and prevents you from fighting.
Fight against the darkness, do not let them take your children. Protect them as part of the lineage that will preserve the kingdom of God. The devil will attack your family because he knows that from there you will emerge brave men and women who will face him.
Knock down the giants of poverty, disease and depression. You will emerge victorious from any difficult circumstance when you allow the Lord to form your character and will.
Victors with the Lord
In Psalm 34: 4 David proclaims: I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Fear is a giant that often defeats the children of God because it makes them feel weak and unprotected. David was afraid and felt weakness, but he always fought bravely.
We are covenant men and women who honor God with their tithes and offerings, so we have the power to face the processes with courage and confidence. Show the character that God has formed in you. Do not be afraid because he walks with you, supports you and will not leave you ashamed.
He has promised to release and raise your children. You have a powerful Father who has given you eternal life, washing you with the blood of the Lamb. Walk with Him day and night, you have angels around you that will rid you of your enemies.
And Jesus is the greatest Hero of All, to him be all the glory and the Honor.